Chapter 12 : phone call

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Chapter 12 : phone call

(I've uploaded now but this also applies for the next chapters so I thought I'd keep it up)
So this isn't uploaded yet... sorry. It will be very very very soon - it's already been written. I'm just trying to gather my ideas and thoughts. If you have anything you want to see happen please message me or comment to let me know, I would love to hear your ideas! I'm so sorry for the wait but your patience is why I love my readers ❤️

This is yet to be proofread and corrected. It's late but I was desperate to give you guys something so expect corrections to be made tomorrow.

❤️ BONNIE ❤️

"Bonnie are you there? I can barely hear you..."

"Dad... can you hear?" To be honest I'm thankful for the few extra moments I have to gather my head whilst waiting for my phone to get reception. I may only have been in England for one week but it feels as though I've been here for months, so much has happened...

I may be thousands of miles away from my dad and the buffalos but I feel as though I've never been closer to my gang. Throughout my whole life I've only known a fraction of what occurs behind closed doors to do with my gang, my dad has kept me well away of what I don't need to know. However, he's known for a very long time with age it's becoming harder to keep me away from his secrets, and those secrets away from me - sometimes I feel as though I am one of his secrets! Since I've been in England I've become closer to the gang than ever before, I'm spending hours at dance class every day with somebody I never even knew existed but is such a vital person in my dads life. I've had an encounter with the leader of the pythons, Carlos Fisher. What a world, a world I don't know if I should tell my dad I'm involved in.

"Yes, yes I can hear you now! What a relieve... How's the school then? The students nice? The teachers treating you well? Made any friends? Not home sick are you? Because if you're homesick I'm.. " his blurs off into a frenzy of questions in my mind, there is only one question that lingers in my brain. Do I tell him about Harry? I can't ignore it. I have loyalties to my dad and my gang and breaking that trust is unheard of.

"Everything's fine dad. I've made a friend, her names Maddie. You wouldn't approve, she crazy and eccentric just like Maria. The teachers are relentless, you should see my workload! And surprisingly I'm not homesick, you haven't even crossed my mind."

"Bonnie Redfarm you better hope you don't mean that otherwise I'm going to have to catch the next flight out there and remind you of what you're missing without me!" Classic dad, always wanting to be the first thing going through my mind. What would dad say? What would he think? What would he do?

"I'm not your little girl anymore dad, I'm living an ocean away now! You can't protect me the way you used to." Little does he know, whatever sort of scheme he's set up to keep me away from danger, danger seemed to have found its way to me.

"You'd be surprised my little angel. I've got eyes on you even when you don't know I do. When were you planning on telling me about your other little friend."

My heart skipped a beat. Then another beat. I don't know if I'm dead yet or just in a coma because it feels as though the world has come to a halt. "Of course dad, you think I would keep that from you?"

I hear a sigh of relief from the other side of the line but I know he isn't stupid enough to believe me, he just wanted to see whether or not I deny it. "Yes sweetheart, I really do think you would keep that from me. Judging from the information I've received from my sources you've gotten" there's a long and exhausting pause "close to Mr Harry Fisher. Even been to the python house, presumedly meeting Carlos himself, I've seen the security footage so don't deny it sweetie."

This is so infuriating, I'm having men watch my every step. Reporting back to my dad like wolves reporting back to the leader of the pack. Edward Redfarm always had spies everywhere and anywhere and it was completely expected of him to have spies watching his daughter but I admit I let it slip my mind with all that's been going on. My dad must be so ashamed of me for letting anything slip my mind, but I guess this did work to his advantage.

"It's true dad, I'm like a little spy. I'm an insight into the gang, I'll tell you everything a see, all the secrets I overhear. You're right, I am getting close to Harry Fisher and I can use it to help the buffalos! Him and his friends won't suspect me and they'll involve me in all their secrets." All I'm doing is trying to let my dad continue my friendship with Harry and let me stay in England! I bet Harry's already told all his friends about me being part of the buffalos but I know he would never tell his dad.

"You keep underestimating me Bonnie. I already have my insiders but you would be more involved than they are. Which is why when I first discovered your friendship with young fisher boy I got all records of you removed from the files so Carlos wouldn't find out who you are. Keep a low profile and remain as Bonnie Moone. You'll report to me over these weekly phone calls all you learn. Don't forget Bonnie, Carlos will be watching you in more ways than you know. He will be suspicious and he will find out if for one second you let your facade slip. I'll speak to same time next week, goodbye"



Great, it's time for my weekly Sunday dinner back at home. I get to see my dad and stare at each other from the other end of the unnecessarily long dining table, for about an hour after the conversation quickly dies when there nothing left to ask school related. He might comment on my performance as part of the gang, maybe bring up Bonnie but other than that it's a boring night. Yippee.

"Hey Teressa." It's always weird seeing Teressa, she's the maid that works for my dad. She practically brought me up, took me to and from school, everytime my dad upset me I'd go to her and she'd comfort me and whenever I needed anything it was her I'd go to. I always say hi but we now just live in denial, like she wasn't my main mother figure after my actual mother was killed.

"Hi Harry, your fathers still in his office, he asked if you could speak to him in there." I give her a nod to show I've acknowledged what she's said.

I make my way through the silent empty halls and up the two flights of stairs. It brings back memories of when Bonnie and me raced up them to the top, before I knew who she really was. I can't keep pretending to ignore it, I've not told anybody and it's eating me up inside. What her father did to my mother and how much pain her whole gangs brought to my family, my gang family.

I knock on my fathers office and wait for a response. "Come in." Reaching out for the heavy wooden door I open it up to find my father sat at his desk looking disappointed and also disgusted? "Son, take a seat." He gestures to the petite, inferior chair sat in front of his large looming desk. I do as I'm instructed and sit down, knowing he's not happy.

"Listen son, I know who Bonnie is and there's no need for you to pretend otherwise. You've not only betrayed me, but you've betrayed the whole gang - your family. Remember what those bastards did to you and your mother, Bonnies father for Christ's sake. Were you ever planning on telling me or was this all a precious love story, were you Romeo and she Juliet?"

I remain still, paralysed. I stare longingly into his eyes still in shock he knew. Petrified as to what he will do and humiliated I did what I did. She's just some girl, I regret ever putting her above the gang. I promised myself and my dad I would never do such a thing. She's nothing to me, worthless.

"I'm sorry. I was planning on telling you, when she told me I was in shock - horror even. She's not who I thought she was but now we can use her to our advantage. She likes me dad and I even think she's stupid enough to trust me. All you have to do is trust me. She won't tell her dad, she won't tell anyone."

"That's the son I was hoping to see."

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