ii - loyalty

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There were so many things wrong that (Y/N) couldn't understand yet

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There were so many things wrong that (Y/N) couldn't understand yet. The way her lover would leave to happily murder strangers and never return until convinient. There was self awareness present, in the way Toji would talk to her or give them gifts. (Y/N) shoved the thought deep below into her mind, her self awareness.

She needed Toji, and Toji needed her- that was what she understood.

Tsukimi left for school as she always did, she got up earlier than she was supposed to today and reluctantly took the bento which was now cooled off the counter as she left. (Y/N) was on the couch holding Megumi's head so that he could comfortably breastfeed.

She entertained herself temporarily with a book on houseplants and gardening, skimming over the section about strawberries. Tsukimi loved strawberries, which was the main reason (Y/N) was so determined to grow some.

With the amount of food and items Toji had provided for all three of them they could live comfortably for a good few months if they rationed carefully, but the fruits and vegetables can go bad if not eaten quickly. Burping Megumi, he entertained himself with stuffed animals as (Y/N) made breakfast for herself.

Something she hadn't done in a long time.

Megumi was able to crawl now, he had been for a few weeks. He was going to hit 6 months old soon and (Y/N) could hardly wait for him to start talking. (Y/N) was the youngest sibling growing up, by nine years- her younger years with her older siblings were a blur.

He was quiet, but adventurous. He was growing fast too, (Y/N) couldn't afford any sort of baby proof so she developed a sixth sense for whenever Megumi was trying to knock something dangerous over.

Quietly, he crawled into the small kitchen space and grabbed onto the bottom cuff of his mothers sweatpants. (Y/N) turned her attention away from the over easy egg she was cooking and onto the baby at her feet, she smiled at him.

"Look at you, such a growing boy," she commented, he gave her a gummy smile in acknowledgement.

Carefully setting the spatula she was using down, she carried Megumi back to where he was before and then continued cooking her single egg. She was done in less than a minute and set it on a plate for herself, and while it cooled she scrubbed the pan she had cooked it with. Making her way back to the table near Megumi, he invited himself to share. He had become accustomed to normal foods and was almost ready to leave breastfeeding altogether, it was probably better tasting too.

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