iii - winter blooms

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(Y/N) wasn't very forgetful, not in her mind at least

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(Y/N) wasn't very forgetful, not in her mind at least. She had a complete internal schedule that if she didn't follow she'd probably have a bad stomach ache. Snow came early this year, disgustingly early. (Y/N) didn't hate snow, in fact when she was little she would pray for fat flakes to fall from the sky. However, what was ugly about this weather was the spike in the heating bills, which was nothing to look forward to, however Megumi's first birthday was right round the corner! In a month and half her baby boy would be officially one years old.

He'd learn to walk and talk, sort of. Nobody could really understand him but (Y/N) and sometimes Tsukimi and he could only get a few steps in before falling forward.

Tsukimi on the other hand had become uncharacteristically officious when the first snowfall started, so much so as to hide cooking utensils from her mother in order for her to cook instead. (Y/N) never liked punishing her daughter, but no matter how much she had requested for her to return her essentials she had been ignored. Therefore, (Y/N) had no choice but to use her authority as her mother in order for her things to be returned.

(Y/N) left for the grocery store in the early afternoon, Megumi strapped on her back with a soft blanket. There were a few boys in dark colored school uniforms, they stuck out in the virgin snow. (Y/N)s' heart dropped once she recognized whom the uniforms belonged to, soft puffs of air escaping her lips.

They were uniforms from Jujutsu tech school, she knew it from the bloodied shapes that Toji would show her oh so proudly.

"Look at these teenagers I thrashed."

Avoiding eye contact, she continued on to the store. The baby on her back is still unconscious and with red cheeks, the puffy jacket hood was still cold against his skin. (Y/N) came back with laundry detergent and a few new clothes for her children. She was excited to see Tsukimi's reaction to the new boots and leggings she had gotten-- despite the fact that she's technically due for a punishment.

The two teenagers that were across the street where (Y/N) first noticed them were gone now, hopefully they were just passing by... The school isn't exactly in the prefecture.

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