Character Backgrounds

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Born on September 12th 1979.
Blood Status: Pure Blood

Y/N L/N is the youngest of three sons, born into the noble Ancient and Sacred House of L/N. His father Thomas L/N, was the 57th Archduke of Magical Great Britain, and the Archduke is also the Ealdorman of the Wizengamot. His mother, Lyra L/N (née Black) is the elder sister of Sirius and Regulus Black.

His father was a Gryffindor and a member of the Order of the Phoenix. His mother was a Slytherin and secretly a Pure Blood Supremacist. She hid this attitude from Thomas until after they were married. Their marriage was based on passion and fire and there were a lot of arguments.

His elder brothers are Jacob and Dean L/N. Both were Slytherins like their mother.

Shortly after the end of the Wizarding War Death Eaters broke into the ancestral L/N home, killed Lord L/N and brutally tortured an 18 month Y/N with the cruciatis curse in a sickening attack that shocked the nation.

When Y/N was two and a half Jacob disappeared after becoming obsessed with the mysterious 'Cursed Vaults' of Hogwarts.

Dean started at Hogwarts six months later and this is when the horrific physical and mental abuse Y/N suffered at the hands of his mother began. It lasted five years until Jacob was freed by Dean from the Cursed Vault he had been trapped in. Jacob apparated home to catch his mother in the act. She was attacked, Jacob took Y/N to St Mungo's and Lyra disappeared.

Y/N was placed in Jacob's custodianship and Jacob trained Y/N extensively from the age of eight to the present day.

Dean and Jacob clash significantly over how he is raising Y/N. Dean wants Y/N to have the childhood he never received. Jacob is training Y/N for war.

Y/N L/N Description

Physically Y/N is tall for his age with broad shoulders and slightly defined muscles due to intense training with Jacob. He has chiselled rugged good looks, medium length wavy black hair and bright green eyes and is the spitting image of his father. He is brave and fearless but there is a constant simmering of anger underneath the surface.

Y/N is naturally charming when away from Jacob, and especially so with Dean's female friends. He flirts a lot with Tulip especially, who finds him adorable.

Magically Y/N is extremely advanced for someone his age with Jacob training him to the point of literal torture. Like most Pure Bloods he is home schooled and has never had a friend his own age. The closest he's had were his god brother's Fred and George but they were still older than Y/N. For this reason he struggles to connect to anyone in his age group as he sees them as immature and foolish, especially his god brother Ron. He is close to Dean's crew though and speaks with them almost as an adult.

Like his brothers he is a legilimens and Jacob has trained him extensively in both it and occlumency. "For your protection" Jacob would tell him. The occlumency lessons were torturous.

Y/N is especially close with Dean's girlfriend Penny Haywood and sees her as a big sister. Due to this relationship he has developed a significant interest in muggle culture. His favourite bands are AC/DC, Kiss and Queen.

Personal Relationships


Dean L/N- Elder brother, Slytherin. The 'Hero of Hogwarts' after breaking the curse of the Cursed Vaults of Hogwarts. Has a very strained relationship with Y/N after the psychological abuse inflicted by their mother. She would tell Y/N that Dean was aware of his punishments and that Dean only pretended to like Y/N when he returned from Hogwarts. Dean wishes for a closer relationship with Y/N but Y/N shuts him out.

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