Episode 9: Black Eyes part 2

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~*~Didn't expect a two-episode update, did ya? ;) This is in dedication to my sister, Texas_Rose, who turns 20 today and is just as much of a nerd as I am (though I was one first.) :P Happy birthday!~*~

He was stupid, getting jumped like that. Stupid, stupid idiot.

Dean squirmed, digging his fingers into the knots around his wrists. His shoulder throbbed with the movement. It had to be out—that demon had twisted it good when they'd jumped him.

The place had been dark when he'd woken up—was still dark, though he could make out the faint lines where the door let in a bit of moonlight. It smelled like a garage, the sharp scents of oil and gasoline flooding his nose.

He ground his teeth, feeling the gag pull tight against the corners of his mouth. Stupid. He should've stayed with the others, should've ignored Sherlock. The uppity Brit already had him pegged, though—knew just what buttons to push.

I hate people.

The door started to open, rollers squealing. Dean let his head flop to the side, slowed his breathing. Hopefully they'd think he was still out. He cracked one eye as the two demons came into the building, dragging another guy between them.


Dean ground his teeth again.

They let Sam drop to the ground a few feet away and walked over to another part of the building. One of the demons flicked on a light, revealing the gutted, rusted hunk of a car skeleton at the back of the building. Old oil stained discolored the cracked concrete floor.

Knew I was right.

Dean studied his brother as much as he could without tipping off the demons that he was awake. Sam looked okay, besides a couple new cuts and bruises.

Dean picked at the cord around his wrists again. The demons hadn't taken the throwing knife strapped to his forearm, but the way they'd tied his hands behind a support pillar was making it really hard to get at the weapon.

One of the demons walked past him and grabbed Sam's shoulders, dragging him to another support pillar across the width of the room. He propped Sam up against it and tied his hands together behind the pillar. Then he came over to stand beside Dean.

"I know you're awake," the demon said.

Dean kicked at him, aiming for the guy's ankle. The demon dodged and grabbed Dean's hair, slamming his head into the pillar. Dean grunted, sucked in a breath through his teeth as he felt the sharp edge of a knife press into his throat.

"Blake! Leave him alone!" the other demon snapped. "Yellow Eyes will send you back to Hell himself if you hurt either of those boys."

The guy snarled, then slapped Dean in the face with the knife hilt. Dean hunched forward, sucking in a deep breath. That hurt, that hurt, that hurt... His vision spiraled. No, Dean! Stay awake! You have to help Sammy.

"We're not ready for this," Blake said.

"You got a better suggestion? If those two take off in that alien spaceship again, who knows when we'll find them. This Shadow needs to learn that he cannot take what is Hell's."

Shadow? What shadow?

Blake released Dean's hair. Dean groaned and slumped, blinking hard. Black spots still swam in front of his eyes, but he had managed to stay conscious. Step one. Step two... He twisted his right hand around, sliding two fingers into his sleeve. He could just barely feel the handle of the knife now. The real magic trick would be getting it out of his sleeve and cutting himself free, since his hands were in full sight of the demons.

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