Chapter 6

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At The Cabin

When he got back, he heard a faint snoring and smiled briefly as he watched him. 'Why am I smiling? Why am I doing any of this?' He thought and grunted. He went to the kitchen to put everything away. He sat in the kitchen, wondering what he should do. It was going to be even more hell knowing that cops within a 2 mile radius were looking for him. Could he die? No, but he still felt the pain of the bullets and anything else that would happen. He could easily snap the necks of every cop coming after him, but he didn't want to lose (y/n). He didn't have any plans about going back to Smith's Grove either. Soon, he was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard (y/n) trying to move off the couch. He got up and went to see what he was doing. He slightly chuckled at hearing him curse under his breath. He must of heard because he looked at him and fell backwards making it even more funny to him.

I stared up at him. 'There is no way that psycho is laughing right now.' I thought. I still couldn't put my full weight onto my ankle so trying to run would be stupid. I watched as he turned around and went back in the kitchen. I sighed, trying to stand again. I sneezed as a lot of dust came up as I fell. I looked up to see him staring at me as if this was all funny to him. "C-Can you help me up?" He stood there for a minute as if contemplating on if he should help me. Soon enough he did and he led me to the kitchen. I seen some water and a pop tart on the table. He pointed to it, letting me go as I stumbled to get my balance. I heard him chuckle again. "So you are getting fun out of this, aren't you?" He looked at me, amazed that I didn't stutter for once. I sighed. 'Why was I expecting an answer?' I thought and slightly limped over to the table.

I was so hungry, I haven't eaten since lunch. I didn't want anything from the party since I wasn't hungry then. I looked out the window to see it was still dark out. Memories of the party went through my mind, replaying like a scene from a movie. I didn't notice I was crying until I felt his thumb go over my cheek. It startled me as I looked up at him, feeling more tears roll down my face. He looked at me and tilted his head. It seemed he was questioning me. "I-I'm fine..." I sniffled. "Ju-Just missing my friend and parents...You...You didn't kill my parents, did you?" He shook his head and I let out a sigh of relief. I finished my pop tart and water. I then felt him picking me up. "P-Put me down!" I started hitting his back. He showed no sign of it bothering him as he walked up the steps. He turned a corner and walked into a room, throwing me on a bed. I sneezed as he chuckled. "Th-Th-" I sneezed again cutting myself off. "This is not funny. I'm allergic to dust you ass." He gave me that look like he was supposed to know that. I sighed and looked in my pocket. I noticed my phone wasn't there and frantically looked in the rest. "Shiiiittt." I heard him snap his fingers so I looked up, seeing he had my phone.

"Give me back my phone!" I tried grabbing for it, but failed since he was way taller then me. "God I hate how tall you are." He seemed to be having fun as he just pushed me back down onto the bed, slipping my phone in his pocket. "You better not break that..." He climbed onto the bed, pushed me down, and laid next to me. He wrapped one of his arms around me and I struggled to get him off. I soon started to feel sleepy and closed my eyes. Soon morning came and I woke up to the sounds of birds tweeting. I looked to my side to see he was gone. I got up, walking the best I could, and went downstairs. I seen him on my phone, laying on the couch. "Get off my phone bastard!" He looked at me chuckling. I tried grabbing my phone, but he kept moving it. "Why are you on my phone!?" "Interesting..." I heard him mumble and looked at him with wide eyes. "So this psycho can talk." I said. He just looked at me and shrugged. I sighed reaching for my phone again, but he kept pulling it away. "What will it take for me to get my phone back? My parents must be worried sick..." He pointed to the masks cheek. "Hm?" He kept tapping it. I deadpanned. "A kiss?" He nodded. "No way in hell am I kissing that thing! I don't know where its been." He shrugged and went back to messing around on my phone. I got behind him and seen he was messing with my pictures. "Give me back my phone you ass." He ignored me and kept moving my phone every time I reached for it. I sighed and kissed the masks cheek. "Can I have my phone now?" He shook his head and chuckled.

"Are you fucking serious?" I could see the amusement in his brown eyes. I sighed. "Is there anymore food and water?" He nodded and I went into the kitchen. I had the perfect idea. I grabbed a water bottle and went back out to Michael. He was still on my phone, paying no mind to me. "What's so good about my pictures?" He shrugged. I opened the water and poured it through the eye holes of the mask. He started coughing heavily and sat up, ripping his mask off and threw my phone onto the couch. I started laughing like hell as he kept coughing. I wiped away tears and looked at him, smiling like an idiot. I couldn't tell if he was going to beat the shit out of me or kill me. I gulped and looked away. "U-umm..." I couldn't think of anything to say to break the tension in the room. He stood up, picked me up, and threw me onto the now wet couch. "H-Hey!" He smirked. I grabbed my phone before he could reach it. "It worked!" I laughed and went through my messages and missed calls. So many texts and voice mails from both of my parents. I frowned as I listened to each of my voice mails. I could hear my mom, crying as she tried to ask me to pick up. Even my dad was crying in the voice mails. Tears streamed down my face as I tried texting back, saying I was ok. Michael ripped my phone from my hands as soon as he seen I was texting my parents. "Th-They need to know I'm ok Michael! Give me my phone!" He shook his head as I tried to grab it. "Try...again..and I'll..break it." I could tell he hasn't talked since god knows when. I gave up and sat back down on the wet couch.

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