Chapter 21

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I woke up and checked my phone. I seen that Tracy texted me.

Tracy: Good morning handsome. I hope you guys got home safely. I would of texted last night, but when I got home I was knocked out, lol. Hopefully we can meet up sometime soon.

Me: We got back safe, thanks for caring. Yes, I would love to meet up again!

I went downstairs. "How was your morning?" Kate groaned. I turned on the news and sat next to Kate. "Here live at King's Night Club, disaster struck this morning when a worker came in to clean up the club." I looked at the t.v. "A worker was brutally murdered, too much for us to show. When the other workers arrived, they said it smelled badly. They thought that it could of been the trash and throw up from the night before, but when they turned the lights on, they seen Tracy Williams dismembered on the dance floor. Cameras caught what happened and it appears Michael Myers is killing again." I started crying. "Hey, what's wrong?" "T-Tracy...I met him last night when y-you wandered off." I said between sobs. "Oh honey." She hugged me while I cried. "I mean, yeah we just met, but I was hoping something would become of us." I cried into her shoulder as she turned off the t.v. "Well fuck. So much for me telling you to let loose..."

Michael watched from outside of their house. 'Kill his friend, take him home.' His thoughts were getting to him. 'He's yours, he belongs to you Michael.' How he longed to be by your side again. He missed your loving touch, you smile, laugh. The way you treated him like he was a normal human, even if he came home bloody. He missed the way you made him feel normal.

After I calmed down, we went to the café for a bit. "I'm sorry, (Y/n)." "It's not your fault Kate. I shouldn't of let Michael into my life. I shouldn't of came back here." I could feel him watching me. 'How does anyone not see him? It's broad daylight...' I thought. "I knew you meant well. I thought I could actually get away from him and start over again." I glanced out the window and seen Michael, I sighed. "No matter what I do in this town, where I go, he's always there, watching my every move." "Maybe we should go on a small vacation?" "I'd be afraid he'd stake out in our house till we returned." "True...."

He watched as they sat in the café. His thoughts were becoming what they used to be before he met (y/n). Michael looked down at his bloody knife then back at him. He wanted (y/n) all to himself. Nobody else could have him and that's what he planned to do. Once he got rid of Kate, (y/n) would finally be his again. Nobody was going to stop him. If anyone got into his way, he'd simply kill them. Michael watched as they left the café. He would wait until tomorrow when his (y/n) would be at work. Finally, he would be his again.

The next morning, (y/n) woke up and ate breakfast with Kate. Little did he know, he'd return to a murder scene and lose another person he let get close to him.

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