Chapter 9

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A New Start

(y/n) and his mother fled to a small town in Kansas. Soon, they settled into a small, two room house. His mother had gotten another job and (y/n) was able to go to college again. Everything seemed fine, but in fact, it wasn't. Two years after what had happened, his mother was still depressed. The doctors and psychiatrist were no help, not even the pills. (y/n)s mother had lost her job and mainly stayed in her room. (y/n) began to worry more and more each day about his mother. He quit college to get a job so the bills would be paid and there would be food and other necessities. That year, on halloween night, his mother committed suicide. (y/n) found his mother, on the floor, over dosed on all the pills that were prescribed for her. They pronounced her dead on site. (y/n) had to explain to the cops everything that had happened. He told them about Michael Myers and how he killed his father and other people. The two cops looked at each other, trying to think on whether or not they should believe him.

"Sir, if you wouldn't mind coming back to the station with us. Is there any family members we can call and tell them what had happened?" The male officer asked and I shook my head. "My grandparents died when I was five and I don't remember the rest of my family." The female officer looked at me. "Have you drank any alcohol tonight?" I shook my head no. "I don't drink miss." "Drugs? Prescribed or not." I shook my head again. 'I don't think they believe me at all...' I thought. Soon, we made it to the station and they sat down behind a desk. "Where did these supposed killings happen sir?" The male officer asked me. "Haddonfield, Illinois." The female officer began typing on her computer and pulling up files. "He's not lying. Says here, Myers killed a lot of people." The male officer looked at the computer and nodded. The female officer began to type on the computer again. "What's your full name?" "(y/n) (m/n) (l/n)." She nodded and typed it in. "No family members on record. Only his parents and grandparents. Both sides deceased." She said to the male officer. "Were you planning on having a funeral, sir?"

"No, I just want a burial." He nodded. "I'll have the grave digger get in touch with you. Would you like a ride home?" "Yes, please..Thank you." "No problem. It's the most we can do." After I got home, I closed her door and went to my room. I cried myself to sleep and woke up the next morning. I called into work. "Um, Mr. Tomson?" "Yes, who is it?" "It's (y/n), I-I won't be able to make it in today. My mother had passed a-" "Dear, for as long as I've known you now, take the week off. I can hear it in your voice." "Thank you Mr. Tomson." I almost cried on the phone. We bid our goodbyes and I went to the kitchen. Soon, I got a all from an unknown number. "Hello?" "Hello? Is this (y/n) (l/n)?" "Yes, who is this?" "This is Mr. Grove. I was told to contact you about a burial." "Yes, I have to bury my mother..." "Do you have a casket ready for her?" "No, it just happened last night." "Alright, I can help you get one. It'll cost about two grand for a casket." "That's fine. Any other prices I need to know?" "A headstone will cost one grand and burial will be on me. I'll get a casket and headstone set up, just stop on over when you get the chance." "Thank you, will today about three o'clock be fine?" "Yes sir. See you then." I hung up and began getting ready for the day.

Soon, three o'clock came and I drove to the cemetery. "Mr. Grove?" I questioned an old man, sitting in a rocking chair outside of what seemed to be a small house. "Yes, you must be (y/n)." I nodded. We talked for a bit and walked to the site where my mother would be buried. "The man for the casket and headstone should be here soon." I nodded as we walked back and sat down. Soon, a man in an old pickup truck came. "Hey Mr. Grove. You called for a casket and headstone?" "Yup, for this lady right here." "Hi, I'm Joe." He reached his hand out and I took it. "I'm (y/n), nice to meet you." I told him everything he needed to know for the casket and headstone. "That'll be three grand and everything will be ready by Thursday. Is that fine?" I nodded. "I didn't bring my money with me. I-" "That's fine. Pay me Thursday when we meet up again." I nodded and he left. "Thank you Mr. Grove. For everything."

He smiled at me. "It's nothing." We parted ways and I went back home to eat dinner. After I ate dinner, I looked at my phone. 'It's only five o'clock.' I thought and went to sit on the couch. I turned on the tv and the news had started. "There's been five recent killings in Haddonfield, Illinois. Nobody can figure out how or why all of this is happening. Three women and two men were murdered on Halloween ni-" I turned the channel, not wanting to hear about it.

Soon, Thursday came. (y/n) woke up at ten in morning and got ready for the day. He got out the money he needed for Joe and set off for the grave yard. Mr. Grove and Joe were sitting out front of the small house. "Hi Mr. Grove, Joe." (y/n) said and they replied with their own hellos. "Here's the money for everything. I can't thank you both enough for helping me." "It's nothing, (y/n)." Joe replied and Mr. Grove agreed. "Everything's been set up, were just waiting for the priest to get here for the burial. Shouldn't be much longer." Mr. Grove said and he nodded. As they waited for the priest, they listened to Mr. Groves stories from when he was younger. Soon, a small black car pulled up and the priest got out. "Hi there Mr. Grove, Joe. Who might this be?" "I'm (y/n)." "Nice to meet you, I'm Nicholai." They shook hands and went to where his mom was to be buried. Nicholai brought out his bible and began to recite some words and phrases from it. Joe lowered his mother into her grave. Mr. Grove and Joe began to cover the casket with dirt.

Nicholai finished his words, said a few kind words to (y/n) and bid his goodbyes to the three of them. Joe and Mr. Grove left him to have some alone time. He looked at the headstone as tears filled his eyes, laying flowers on the grave.

The headstone read:

In Memory of (m/n) (l/n)

Loving Wife And Mother

(month/day/year) - (month/day/year)

(Sorry to leave that month, day and year up to you.)

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