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Jennie's Pov.

I'm getting tired of my life, I just repeat what I do every day.

But I could do nothing, I was not born rich, So I have to work hard especially now that I borrowed money from Rose,  even if she tells me not to pay for it , I  still force myself to pay .

Why is it that life is not fair to everyone , why i am one of those who was unlucky . My parents died in a car accident when I was in secondary school,  It's a good thing that Rose's parents ask me to stay with them and I was able to finish my study.

Now I manage the restaurant that their family owns, i only live by myself so so my salary is more than enough to support my needs. But because of my stupidity,  I just wasted  my money to  spent for a useless relationship. Now i am the one who is suffering to pay for the money I borrowed for our supposed to be anniversary trip, but he break up with me .

But I also don't blame him for leaving me, because I'm really stupid. in our 6 year relationship , he always asked me to have sex with him but I didn't, because I believe in no sex before marriage so he couldn't wait any longer, he looked for a flirtatious woman who was ready to open up her legs for him. If I had just given him what he wanted maybe we would still be together until now.

I was also stupid to the point that I rejected the man i love, but I had sex with a stranger i only met at the club and even worse  i had sex with a woman with a penis.

I honestly didn't know why I was doing that thing at those times  I’m the type of woman who doesn’t drink and flirt with strangers . As far as i know ,I just wanted to drown myself in alcohol because i want to forget my heartbreak.

I was supposed to be with my boyfriend on that travel trip, I used up all the money  I had saved and i borrowed some  from Rose just  for us  travel on our anniversary together . but he break up with me two days before our anniversary, i can't do anything but to travel alone because the money i spent for our plane ticket and hotel is not refundable .

I was drunk that night but I remembered everything that happened, I gave myself to a stranger I'm  not even a gay. But I don't know why I thought of doing that kind of thing  , And I was surprised to see that she has a penis.

But I think that's the reason  why I didn't   stop her because  i'm curious how it feels to have her thing inside me.

I remember how painful it was when she first first inserted her thing my womanhood and  I also remember how good you felt when the pain started to disappear and was replaced by pleasure, i can say that she is so good at sex .

I love how she worship my body that night, i love how she make me feel that she really want me,  believe me  or not we did it more than once that i already forgot how many times we reach our orgasm together.

And I didn't intend to leave her that time but I panicked when I realized that that very morning I was flying back to Korea . So even though my whole body and my center was still in pain because that woman almost ripped my vagina , I forced myself to go back to my hotel where I was staying, and took my things and I went straight to the airport , luckily i didn't miss my flight.

The only information I can remember about her is her name, L and I know it's not her real name. it's a good thing she's from another country and it didn't happen here in Korea cause i don't know what face i will show to her when i meet her again.

I came back from my deep thoughts when Rose suddenly talk

"Jennie, are you ok ,,,,I'm leaving now."
Rose said, I looked at her and smiled.

"All right,  take care "

"thanks, bye my date has been waiting for me for a while."
She told me, I nodded to her and I continued what I was doing.

"Jennie, you are stunned there since earlier"
HoYeon said as she arranged the food trays.

" I'm just thinking of something."

" I think You're thinking what happened in Hawaii again , so you're acting like an idiot."
She teased me,I rolled my eyes and she laughed.

"You know, I'm thinking of begging Kai to come back to me."
I said to her, and one of her eyebrows rose.

"Hey, don't you dare."
She said as she pointed the fork at my face.

"hahahaha. I'm just kidding you, I'm not going back to the person who cheated on me."

Even though I love him, I'm the type of person who can easily turn off. maybe I don't love him that deeply, so the pain I was feeling quickly disappeared, and I'll admit that what happened to me in Hawaii helped me a lot .

"It's good then, because when you do that . Just forget that you have a sexy and hot best friend like me"
I smirked at what she said.

When I told her what happened to me she laughed so hard she was happy because according to her I finally gave up my V card.

She was also happy that I didn't give it up to  Kai , because she didn't have a good feeling for him , so when we separated I was hurt that time but my best friend was so happy because she always said  that she didn't think Kai was destined for me.

Rose and I are close, but I can't help but feel uncomfortable with her sometimes because we don't have the same state of life. And she's wild type of girl, she always hanging out with her friends at the Bar .

But I love her so much , I consider her as my younger sister, I'm just not comfortable sometimes because I'm the type of person who wants to be surrounded by people who are the same standard of living as me.

HoYeon is my bestfriend maybe because we have the same fate, we are both alone in life. We both have no parents but the difference is that her parents abandoned her, So we both live in the same apartment and we both working here in the restaurant. Me as a manager and she is a head waitress, She is the one I tell about all the problems I have, I can't hide anything from her, even what happened to me in Hawaii, she knows.

The only thing i didn't tell her was i had sex with  woman with dick, what she know is i had my first to a man .

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