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Lisa's Pov

It's my birthday and my parents know that I don't like parties , what we always do is we just eat together Me my Mom and my Dad ,  then i go and have a drink with my friends where we want.

But now my friends are wondering why I won't go with them on my birthday.

The situation is still the same, we will have dinner with my Father and Mother but now I am with Jennie, I didn’t go with my friends today because I wanted to introduce Jennie to my parents.

My friends didn’t know that I was courtng  Jennie and so was Jennie with her friends ,  We decided to make my courting  stage to be private and we will just tell them  when she already said yes to me.

I've only been courting her for two weeks and I can say that I'm happy that she let me court her , I had the courage to asked her because I know that she accepts that I'm intersex ,  I know that how I feel about her  is true . Since the night that something happened to us can't take her out of my mind i always think about her.

I notice that Jennie is still shy when there are other people around us, but when we are alone together, she becomes sweet and clingy. I understand her because she is new in this kind of thing, I know that the relationship she is used to before is with a man, so it's OK with me.

I'm here in the car now and I'm waiting for her to come down from her  apartment, It's good thing that she agreed for me to introduce her to my parents. At first she didn't want to because she was scared, But because it's my birthday today, she can't refuse what I want.

I got out of the car when I saw her, she was wearing a simple floral dress with flat white shoes , i really appreciate her beauty when she don't wear any makeup.

I handed her the flower and kissed her on the cheek, she immediately accepted the flower smelled it and she gave me a very sweet smile.

"thank you, Happy birthday"
She said.

I smiled at her and squeezed her cheek.

"thank you, you look so beautiful."
I told her,  I opened the car door and she immediately got in, I closed the door and jogged to the driver's seat.

" are you okay ."
I asked her as I adjusted my seatbelt, she smiled at me but she was very nervous.

" I'm nervous ."
She replied, I kissed her on the forehead .

"My parents won't eat you, I'll take care of it."
I assured her, she smiled at me and nodded.

Jennie's Pov

I couldn't control my nervousness because of what was going to happen, I felt like my heart wanted to come out of my chest with the strength of my heartbeat. Who wouldn't, I will meet Lisa's parents, I already know how rich they are and I am scared.

What if what's happening in the drama was true, The parents will not accept if their child's partner if he/she is not as rich as they are.

What if lisa's mom will hurt me.

What if her father threatened me to stay away from her.

In the few weeks that Lisa has been courting me, I have felt that what she  feel about me is true, and I know in myself that I like her too but I can't help but sometimes feel uncomfortable, especially when there are so many people around us. , I'm not used to my fellow women courting me but I'm happy when im with her ,she never fail to make me feel special everyday  , so i try my best  to overcome my shyness everytime were together public.

I agreed to what she wanted because this is the sign I am asking for , when her parents accept me I will  Yes to her.

I came back from thinking when Lisa parked her car in front of the expensive restaurant, we got out of her car and she held my hand tightly, somehow my nervousness was reduced.

When we entered the restaurant, I immediately caught the attention of the couple sitting at one of the tables here and I knew that it was lisa's parents.

That I shivered as we approached the couple and Lisa felt It, She looked at me and smiled as she squeezed my hand.

When we arrived at the table, her parents were shocked when they saw me, they exchanged glances between me and Lisa.

I tightened my grip on Lisa's hand out of sheer fear.

"Mom, Dad let me introduce you to Jennie, she's the woman I'm courting,  and Jen they are my perents ,."
Said Lisa.

" nice meeting you ma'am , sir."
i said politely and bow my head .

" don't be too formal Jennie , call as uncle and auntie. If you want you can call as  mom and dad too. "
her dad said while he looked at Lisa and gave her a teasing smirk,   I was surprised when Lisa's mother stood up while smiling and gave me a tight hug.

Lisa's father stood up and held out his hand to me and I immediately accepted it, I bowed before i sit next to Lisa, I was still nervous but somehow it lessened because of the reaction of her parents, i look at Lisa she smile and wink at me.

"Jennie, what are you doing in life."
Lisa's mother asked.

"Amm, I manage a restaurant, auntie ."

"your parents"
Lisa's father asked.

"They both died when I was in secondary school."
I answered sadly, Lisa stopped eating and held my hand, i squeezed her hand and smile at her to tell her that i'm ok.

"I'm sorry to hear that."
her mother replied.

As time goes on I become more comfortable talking to lisa’s parents and I can say that not all rich families are like in Drama, Lisa’s parents are different they didn’t make me feel like I was different from them.

After we ate, her parents said goodbye to us and before they left, they told us not to get too tired tonight, I'm not that innocent not to understand what they mean.

And I'm not afraid because when I'm with Lisa she doesn't make me feel that she  only court me because of sex , she respects me so maybe that's the reason why  I feel safe when she's with me.

"So, how's my parents."
She asked me as she took off her seatbelt, we are already here in front of my apartment building.

"they're cool, I didn't expect them to accept me."
I told her while smiling.

"I told you my parents won't eat you ,  thanks for today."

"No, thanks for today Lisa."
I replied, I'm waiting for her to ask me if i can be her girlfriend.

Because since she started courting me, she has been asking me that question every day.

"your welcome, will you be my Girlfriend."
She casually asked me, I smiled at her.

"happy Birthday and its a Yes."
I also casually answer her.

"See you tomorrow."
She said , she was about to get out of her car to open the door for me when she suddenly realized what I said, and she looked at me whith a confused look.

I  asked.

"Did you just say Yes."
She also asked me.

I touched both of her cheeks, I closed my eyes and pressed our lips together and I immediately separated , she was stunned by what happened.


She touched her lips and her eyes widened as she heard what i say .

She hugged me tightly.

"thank you for best birthday ever Jennie , i love you"
She said and we shared a long sweet kiss before I got out of her car.

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