Jealousy doesn't look good on you<3

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Karou's POV:


'Ugh. Fuck sake!! I don't want to go to school.' I got out of bed and slouched across the room to the bathroom.

'I don't even need to know what my time table even cause I already know I'm gonna have a crap day. Yup! Knew it! Maths, Science, Life/work, Epistemic insight and PE.' I brushed my teeth, got changed and relaxed on my bed until it was time to leave.


Grabbing my bag and mask, I walked out the room and headed to the front door. 'Morning Karou-san' a voice said behind me.

'Morning Sakusa-kun' I had a gloomy expression on my face because of the lessons I have.

'Why do you look so gloomy?' He asked coldly.

'Hm didn't think you would care, but since you asked, I have the most shittest lessons today and I don't feel that good.' I was holding a small pile of textbooks and lesson books while heading down the corridor.


After science, I headed down to the cafeteria. 'Gosh, I'm starvinggg' I sat down at a near by table and started eating my Katsu curry.

'Oi! Girl with the black and purple hair! I wanna talk to you!' I turned around and saw some of Sakusa-san's fan girls.

'Wow assuming someone's gender? Not really cool.' I stand in front of them, arms crossed with an annoyed expression.

A girl with long black hair scoffed and grabbed my collar. 'Er don't touch with you grubby and filthy hands that you probably haven't washed without my permission.' I kicked her in the stomach and she let go.

'You bitch! Stay away from Sakusa-kun. Filth like you doesn't deserve to be with a person like him.' Her loud yells alerted the whole cafeteria and caused a crowd.

Great. Did not want a crowd to happen. I hate crowds. 'SAY SOMETHING??!! HELLO?'  I started to quietly laugh.

'What's so funny?' Another girl stepped up towards me and stood in front of me.

'Haha...jealousy doesn't look good on you, so why don't you run along and get outta here.' Then one of the girls punch me in the face, causing me to step back a bit.

Then it turned into a full on fight...


Hii! I'm really sorry that this chapter is short but trust me the next chapter is going to have a bit of a turn...

A/N :))

𝑻𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒐𝒇𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒌 | 𝑺𝒂𝒌𝒖𝒔𝒂 𝒙 𝑶𝑪Where stories live. Discover now