Family Time and Diagon Alley

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It had been a week since Y/N had gone to stay with his brother and Penny and he was enjoying it. It was nice to go to sleep not worrying about being attacked for a test. It was nice to know this is where he was staying, not having to worry about needing to evac every moment on one of Jacob's paranoid whims.

In short it was great to be able to let his guard down. Dean and Penny actually provided consistency and Y/N was relieved that he didn't feel like he had to walk around on egg shells around them.

It was a relaxing and pleasant change for Y/N. He was still keeping to his physical workout routine- up at 6am and straight into it rain, hail or shine. He knew Jacob would accept no loss of conditioning when he returned from this latest mission with Mad-Eye. It had struck Y/N as strange, he would usually be taken with the two on their missions, but again, Y/N knew not to question Jacob.


Penny and Dean appeared within two minutes of each other in the Floo network coming home from work.

"Mmm something smells good" Penny exclaimed as she kissed Dean and removed her cloak.

"Just putting the final touches on dinner" Y/N called from the kitchen.

Penny looked at her boyfriend smiling while he chuckled. She called out to Y/N "I keep telling you Cutie Pie you don't have to do that!"

Y/N replied from the kitchen:

"I had to do something, you guys have been really kind and generous putting up with me the past week so I have to contribute something"

Y/N placed the last of the dishes on the dining room table as Penny and Dean entered. They both looked at the spread wide eyed- Roast beef, gravy, roast and mash potatoes, carrots, beans, corn- Y/N had gone all out.

"Cutie Pie this is amazing... are these home made Yorkshire puddings?" Penny asked as she took her seat. Y/N nodded happily.

"Thank you Y/N but you're family it's been our pleasure having you with us" Penny smiled while looking at her plate. She continued:

"Every night you've cooked it's been amazing but this is something else Y/N. Where did you learn to cook like this?"

She regretted her question as soon as it left her lips.

"I cook for myself everyday" Y/N answered as he sat in his seat across from Penny and Dean and started loading some meat onto his plate.

"Jacob insists on it... no one will care for you, you have to care for yourself" he answered honestly.

Penny jumped as Dean slammed his hand on the table. He quickly muttered: "Sorry slipped".

The three ate in peace for a second and Penny couldn't believe how amazing the roast tasted before Dean spoke again.

"You know that's bullshit don't you Y/N, it's not right how he's treating you. You're just a kid!"

Y/N answered quickly.

"No ones just a kid, a boy, a girl, nothing. You're either alive or dead. Weak or strong. Jacob's making sure I'm strong".

Dean looked at his little brother concerned. It sounded like a perfect recital of Jacob.

Y/N looked down as he spoke, unsure if he even believed what he was regurgitating from Jacob. Dean's face dropped at his words so Penny quickly held both Y/N and Dean's hands.

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