Back to Reality

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As the trio arrived home after a long day Y/N was extremely happy. He had his own wand now- not a discard from Jacob.

Dean had explained that Y/N's wand was extremely powerful given its properties. Y/N was still considering Ollivander's words- he would be great but possibly terrible- he was deeply troubled by that phrase.

At Flourish and Blotts Y/N had bought a book on Wand woods and cores and was looking forward to reading it. He also bought a lot of other books as well. Penny was good enough to put an undetectable extension charm on his bag and so Y/N bought not only the first year books he needed but second and third year as well. He also picked a number of books that looked interesting- Hogwarts: A History, Quidditch through the Ages, Magical Maladies and How to Fix them, Dark Arts and How to Combat them plus anything by Newt Scamander he could find and over a dozen other books that interested him. That was one thing about Jacob. As long as Y/N was learning about magic he was allowed to read as much as he wanted.

Y/N's new Kneazle kitten was also adorable, she had blue and grey fur and the tiniest little face, but Y/N wasn't sure why she had reacted so badly to Penny. She must be intelligent though, she seemed to understand his words perfectly.

Y/N also couldn't stop thinking about that girl Hermione. She was like no one he had ever seen before. He wasn't sure why but he couldn't get her out of his mind.

He was smiling to himself as he emerged from the floo network back at Dean and Penny's apartment. He was quickly snapped from the illusion of happiness and normality he had been living the last week. Reality smacked him hard in the face. Jacob was standing there, in Dean and Penny's house.... and he looked fucking furious.

"Where the fuck have you been?!?" Jacob screamed at Y/N as soon as the boy stepped out of the floo.

"I've been here for hours. I've had Moody and the hunters out looking for you!"

Y/N was speechless. Jacob was hard to deal with at the best of times but this was something else. Fortunately Dean and Penny appeared moments later. Jacob's fury shifted to his other younger brother instead.

"Where the fuck have you been?!?" Jacob roared at Dean.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to Jacob? We've been at Diagon Alley" Dean replied angrily.

"Why wasn't that done last week when he got his letter"

"Because he needed a break Jacob, he's a kid not a ministry hit wizard"

"Don't you tell me what he needs, he's my responsibility not yours" Jacob snarled as Dean stepped forward enraged only to be held back by Penny.

"That's bullshit he is ours as well" Dean snapped back, he was ready to knock Jacob's teeth out.

Penny looked over at Y/N. He was standing there, looking down, seemingly terrified and resembled a deer in the headlights. Penny released her boyfriend's arm and rushed over to Y/N. She wrapped her arms around him to try and comfort him from the confrontation between the brothers, whispering:

"It's ok Cutie Pie. It's all ok"

Jacob instantly snapped his head towards the pair.

"No don't do that Penny. You don't coddle him. He's not a baby. He's a fucking soldier!"

"No he's not Jacob" Dean screamed even louder and angrier. "He's an eleven year old boy who needs to be loved and protected".

Jacob sneered at Dean:

"Don't give me that sob story shit. You have no clue who he is or what he has to do! So keep your ignorance to yourself and shut the fuck up Pip!"

Dean stopped in his tracks and looked at Jacob confused.

For You I Will #1- The Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now