Part 1

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Echoes as it gets louder and louder
In a world where there's no such thing as saviour

People who seek peace, founded nothing
As this world is not life supporter
But a world of suffering

There's only evil
Not a high life but a little
There's no good feeling for a small beetle
A unsolved riddle

Rich and power is everything here
There's no kindess in here

This not a beautiful earth
But an ugly hell with a broken heart

One night a kid is stealing an golden apple in an abandon museum then suddenly a woman appear.

Woman: hello there young man. You're looking fresh. And you're stealing something I wanted to steal too. Too bad you're gonna die now.

Kid: oh no!

The kid tries to run away but the woman shot the kid's 2 legs with her two handgun. So the kid fell down to the ground begging for forgiveness.

Kid: AAAHHH! Pleass am sorry, I won't steal this thing anymore. I give it to you! Please! Forgive me! I just wanna live!

Woman: *slowly approach the bleeding kid* Oh really? I thought you might put up some fight. But you did not. Well what a disappointment.

The woman stamp the kid's back so strong with her heels that the kid's back bleed.


Woman: Hahaha look at you crybaby, Am not gonna let you go that easily you know. *takes the golden apple then whisper to the kid's ear* Become my sex slave for now, so that I will let you live.

The kid cried but he doesn't have a choice because he wanna live more so he agreed to the woman.

Woman: good boy, now let's have sex somewhere where nobody could see us. Hahaha!

Meanwhile on the other room 2 warriors get exploded away by a man. The MC of this story, his name is Esteban Lennox. This is how he looks like.

He's a fallen angel as you can see on his dark angel wings

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He's a fallen angel as you can see on his dark angel wings. He abandon his duty as an angel so that's why he became a fallen angel. He has dark magic as his power. He can fly of course and he has a Iron Sword. This Iron sword isn't a normal Iron sword because it's embedded with a poison. You know what's poison right? So anyway back to the story.

Esteban: Hmmmm such weaklings. *looks at the golden apple's glass box* Hmmm seems like someone already stolen it. Well that's bad.

Esteban is about to leave when he suddenly hear a kid and woman moaning. So he goes around the museum to look for it and when he enters the staff room he see a woman riding a kid.

Woman: Ah shit, you don't have manners do you?

Esteban: *sees the golden apple on the floor near the woman and kid* well well looks like your the bitch who stolen my treasure, I will gonna take it from you I guess.

Woman: Oh now this one is a interesting on. You're might be better than this kid.

The woman kick the kid's face with so much force that it breaks the kid's face and the kid died.

Esteban: This is rare, seeing a woman the one who rapes.

Woman: Hahaha! You got a nice mouth, I wonder how long your thing compare to this small kid. *smiles*

Esteban: I have a sword. But I don't care about you bitch. I just need that Golden apple.

Woman: then try and take it!

The woman starts shooting on Esteban so Esteban dodges around and use his sword to cut some of the bullets, he's fast.

Woman: Ohhh now I like you. I decided that I will gonna fuck you for sure!

The women keeps shooting bullets and Esteban is just dodging those bullets. Esteban uses dark flame and throw it to the woman, The women try to block  the dark flame with the back of her left forearm. Well unfortunately for her the back of her forearm got burned so badly that it gives her a great amount of pain in there.


Esteban: You're so noisy.

Esteban use his right wing to shoot 2 of his dark feathers to the woman's stomach. Then he rush toward her and stab her stomach with his sword.


Esteban puts the sword out of her stomach and kick her away causing her to fall in an area full of huge broken sharp glasses and got her right boob and stomach stab by those huge broken sharp glasses.

Woman: AAAHH!! MY BOOB!! Hahaha! You're not so gentle piece of shit. *vomits bloods*

Esteban's sword dissappear and he pick up the golden apple.

Esteban: Treasure acquired.

Esteban fly away and leaves the museum. He has his own castle, a abandoned old castle. Btw for the woman, the rooftop of the museum didn't hold anymore and it fall and get completely destroy. The museum's rooftop blocks killed the women.

Esteban enter his castle through the window because he can fly. He sit on his throne. He want to be a king but that can't be possible now. Now that the world is nothing but a fallen and broken sick twisted planet.

A girl maid enter his castle through the gate because the gate is not close, Esteban doesn't care if it's open or not. The maid seems to be getting chase by a big ogre but luckily for her, she manage to get away with it but on the unlucky side. She enters Esteban castle and Esteban knows it because he can feel it with his magic senses.

The maid head straight into the kitchen because of hunger and Esteban suddenly appear on her back.

Esteban: Excuse me?

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