Part 7

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Esteban orders 3 of his ghost warrior to take some alien outside and tie them in a steel bed in the castle's underground part. The 3 ghost warriors were successfully take some alien and then Esteban begun experimenting. Yeah he's kinda genius too btw.

Esteban made a poison that for him is to cure this alien thing. 1st attempt was a immediate failure as he puts the poison on the alien the alien just die. 2nd attempt the alien's head exploded and die. 3rd attempt the alien's both eyes exploded and shoot out bloods. All immediate failures Esteban got mad.

But something like that wouldn't let him down, he started experimenting again just after that failure. Violet throw all the dead body outside the castle and the monsters outside ate it. The monsters outside is like they're garbage truck if you know what I mean.

The next day Esteban was able to create 3 new poison and ask again 3 of his ghost warriors to pick some aliens. So the test was held again. 1st attempt the alien's head exploded. 2nd attempt the alien turn into a human accidentally but when it turned into a human it automatically died so that's a trash again. 3rd attempt the alien lost conscious, but after 10 seconds it turn into a human and finally it was saved so attempt successful.

Esteban was so proud of his self as Violet clap for him and praise him. Now that he made the cure he's about to put it into some aliens to save the world a little. When the morning come, Esteban make his 500 ghost warriors form a 1 straight line and 1 by 1 of them, their sword is being putted by the anti alien poison that Esteban made. After that Esteban decided to rest for 1 more day.

Then the next day Esteban orders all of his ghost warriors to go out there and fight everything that they see. So it happens, 500 ghost warriors of Esteban randomly attack everywhere as long as there's someone to slash by their sword embedded with the anti alien poison. Esteban also leave the castle to fly to the sky and rain some tons of anti alien poison to the ground.

All the aliens were terrified so instead of attacking they run away but the 500 ghost warriors of Esteban wouldn't let that happen. Some of the ghost warriors attack other castle and killed their king, Esteban enter one of that castle and he has a feeling that there's gonna be a good treasure here so he travels around the castle.

On his way, a angry big minotaur appear and pick up it's hammer and try to hit Esteban, Esteban dodge that. Esteban summon his sword and spear throw it to the minotaur and the minotaur just easily hit it away with it's huge hammer. The minotaur powerfully rush towards Esteban but Esteban dodge that again and the minotaur hits the wall instead and it got destroyed.

The minotaur face back the direction where Esteban is and does a powerful foot stamp on the floor and that cause a ground destruction going to Esteban then Esteban dodge that but the whole floor got destroyed and they both fell to the castle's underground section. Esteban throws dark flames on the minotaur but the minotaur blocks it with it's huge right hand.

They both rush to each other then the minotaur try to hit Esteban with it's hammer then Esteban smoothly dodges that in a bad ass move then kick the minotaur in the face throwing it away, Esteban charges to the minotaur quickly to deliver a another kick but this time the minotaur catch his leg and makes him hit the ground powerfully then kick him away.

The minotaur powerfully rush towards him again, Esteban stand up then saw 2 huge stone statues and he burn the statues foots to make it fall to the minotaur before even the minotaur hit him. The minotaur was successfully hit by those statues. The minotaur was gone for now.

When Esteban was near the treasure room the disease King's personal maid block his way. She's loyal and swear to keep protecting this castle even though her king is dead. She's also accusing Esteban for waking up one of the minotaur that gone on rampage but the minotaur was already on a rampage before Esteban arrived.

The maid pull out two of her sword, Flame and water sword. Esteban was impressed she has a good weapons, The maid blast fire on Esteban as Esteban also blast with dark flames but the maid also uses water blast on Esteban outpowering him and throwing him away. He stand up immediately after that then they both charge to each one with their sword and make their sword hit each other, Esteban does a horizon slash and the maid dodges it, the maid does horizon slash on Esteban's face then Esteban dodges that. Esteban does a foot sweep and the maid jump and while on air she vertically slash Esteban with both her sword but Esteban block that by horizontally blocking it with his sword.

Esteban put force on his sword that's in blocked position to push the maid away then kick her but she block that with her sword's down handle part. The minotaur appear again and powerfully rush to them but Esteban fly up to make it hit the maid, the maid combines her sword and summon a big golem with red and blue color. The golem stops the minotaur then uppercut it away.

Esteban got amazed, the golem blast Fire and water on Esteban while he's on air so to dodge that he fly around the castle, avoiding the golem's blast. He throws dark flame on the golem and it just stand there and receives the dark flame and nothing happen, it didn't damage it. Esteban rush towards it and smack it on the face but the golem is too strong and that didn't do any damage to it to it instead powerfully smack Esteban away.

Esteban vomita blood and stand up but the golem quickly dash to him catching him and making him hit the ground so strong. The maid laughed that she think this will be Esteban's last day but before the Golem can powerfully smack his face, he does a magic that makes him switch place with the maid making the golem smack it's maid face and that killed her as well as the golem.

Esteban: Idiot. Don't underestimate the power of dark magic.

Esteban enters the treasure room and there's a lot of money there but money isn't what he wants because he can easily produce that with his magic, what he wants is a good treasure or weapon. Well he see one. Seems like it's the crown of the disease king of this castle, what makes this crown especial is that it has powers. This is how the crown looks like:

 This is how the crown looks like:

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What makes this crown special is that it has the power of mind control.

Esteban: Hahaha am so lucky to have this shit. Well, Treasure acquired.

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