Part 10

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Esteban and his 2 ghost warriors turn invisible and quietly seek through the castle, Esteban is aiming for the big bomb so they enter the tower that has only access to it.

All the Elf warriors are noe gathering and checking through all their village to find Esteban. Esteban finally reach the top of the tower and is about to go to the bomb but a female elf knight appear in the sky and land a sword slash on him but he dodge it backwards.

Esteban: what? Impossible, how can she see us even we're invisible.

Female knight elf: you're looking down too much down on us Mister, not all elf are that weak. Actually there's a lot strong of us.

Esteban see that her right eye is glowing.

Female Knight elf: oh this? This is the eye of truth, it reveals anything that normal living creatures can't see with their eyes. Best example of this is your invisibility.

Esteban: Hahaha. What a nice eye you got there.

Esteban quits being invisible. The female knight elf rush towards him about to land a powerful slash but one of Esteban's ghost warriors block her with it's shield but she jump up.

Esteban: what!

Female Knight elf: I know you're about to do that. Here I come!

Esteban dodge her by flying up. He fly around then throw 2 dark flames on the female knight elf but she blocked those with her steel shield. One of the Ghost warriors attack her and she block it then she slash it with her sword and also the ghost warriors also block it with it's shield. She apply force on her shield to push away the ghost warrior and slice it's head off. But it's immortal it's head quickly spawn back.

F. K. E: What! Immortal?

Esteban: don't take me too lightly lady knight. You're the one who's actually weaker here.

Esteban rush toward her and kick her, she dodges his kick and is about to stab him but he also dodges that. Esteban spawn his sword and they both swing their sword on each one. She use her shield to hit Esteban's feet but he quickly remove his feet in that about to get hit position then smack her stomach throwing her away.

The door behind them open and 50 warrior elf finally found him and is about to kill him.

Esteban: Oh no. But don't care Hahaha.

Esteban wear the crown that can control minds and control the minds of all those warriors including the female knight. He go to the bomb upper part.

The female Knight elf somehow break the manipulation power on her with her eye and chase Esteban.

F. K. E: this is your End! Black angel man!

Esteban: *smirk*

Esteban use dark flames to break the 4 huge chains that keeping the bomb on the top part of the tower.

F. K. E: no!! You're gonna kill us all!

Esteban: Well, I really don't care.

She run towards him and swing her sword into him, he dodge it and stab her eye of truth with his index finger.

F. K. E: AAAHHH!!!

Esteban kick her away after that.

F. K. E: you will pay for that you bastard!!!

Esteban: Not me.

Esteban fly up to the sky and watch as the huge bomb fall into the kingdom's ground and exploded killing all the elf that lives there. His 2 ghost warriors are immortal so they lived.

Esteban goes back to the ground after that madness.

Esteban: Phew, that was chaotic.

Esteban sees a steal door that wasn't get destroy for some reason.

Esteban: hmmmm. How could this thing survived that explosion.

Esteban enter that steel door that lead in the destroyed kingdom's underground. Whe he enter he saw 100 robot rhinos.

 Whe he enter he saw 100 robot rhinos

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Esteban: Talk about luck on my side this whole time. I guess this is another... Treasure acquired.

He cast a dark magic all over the rhinos and make them working again, all serving Esteban so yeah. Esteban now has 100 robot rhinos on his kingdom.

Esteban: and that's all that happens.

Violet: I see. You gotta still be careful though. You're my love, I don't really wanna lose you.

Esteban: I won't leave you promise.

*they kiss each other on the lips"

Esteban: I love you.

Violet: I love you too. Btw congratulations.

Esteban: eh for what?

Violet: well you can call yourself a demon king now because you have enough armies.

Esteban: well yeah. But I still had a long way to go.

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