Chapter 2.1

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“Welcome back guys,” Cagealis said to Clooge and Steryl, as they returned from the gas station’s store with energy drinks, and also to the reader as Cagealis recently learned how to break walls he never knew existed before. Apparently the Brilliant Detectives of Subduing Mayhem have had a car the whole time, so that’s why they were at a gas station.

Once Steryl got back into the car with Cim and Annifer, Clooge whispered to Cagealis, “Hey man, is it weird that Steryl was trying to hold my hand the entire time we were in the gas station?”

“Dude, what the heck? That’s crazy man, holding hands is for losers. I always thought she was cool. I don’t believe you,” Cagealis replied.

“Nah man,” Clooge began to say, “Her hand was all over my hand. It was weird. I think she may be diseased or something, because there’s no way she likes me.”

“Yeah dude, I understand what you mean. There’s no other explanation but that. Anyway, it’s time to head out. We need to get to Vegas, and we’re only a few minutes away now,” Cagealis said.

And so, they hopped into the car and got back onto the road. A few minutes later, they passed the city limits of Las Vegas and entered the strip. Randomly in the middle of the strip, wherever that is exactly, they saw a woman holding a sign that read “Brilliant Detectives of Subduing Mayhem” so they pulled over to talk to her. As they got out of the car, they noticed that she was wearing high heels, straps on her legs, a short skirt, and a small shirt.

“Welcome heroes, to the third puzzle,” she said, “I am known as Gentleman’s Pleasure, or Pleasure for short. This puzzle will outshine the previous two in difficulty; I hope you are ready.”

“Bring it on! My preposterous smile can solve any puzzle!” Cim said.

“Woah there, Cim, don’t get too cocky now! You better be careful, she’s the perfect adversary for an ultimate bachelor like yourself,” Cagealis warned.

Cim knew that Cagealis was right, so he took a step back. “Alright she-devil, reveal to us what your puzzle entails,” he said.

“Alright then, allow me to begin,” Pleasure began, “If you take the bread off of a sandwich, then what do you have? If you can answer this, then I shall reveal to you the location of the next puzzle.”

Now that they had a puzzle to consider, they decided to put their heads together. “Ow!” they all said in unison. “Maybe next time, we shouldn’t put our heads in the same spot,” Cagealis said.

“Well, now this sure is one tough cookie,” Clooge said about the puzzle and his super delicious and super chocolatey snack.

“Clooge, put that cookie away! This is a serious issue we have on our hands now. We must solve this puzzle! Come on guys, what could it be?” Cim said.

“Man, I really don’t even know where to begin thinking about this one,” Cagealis said, “Could it have to do with a specific type of sandwich? That sounds probable.”

“A type of sandwich you say? Guys, I got this,” the undercover stripper: Annifer, began to say, “Look at where we are! The sandwich type must be club, which means that what you’re doing to the sandwich when taking off the bread is stripping it. Therefore, when you take the bread off a sandwich, you are left with a Strip Club!”

“Nice thinking Annifer!” Cim told her.

“Yeah, good job! Pleasure, this is our final answer,” Cagealis said.

Slowly, a smile formed on Pleasure’s face. “Good work,” she said, “I’m surprised you got it so easily. I shall give you a hint for where you must go. Get this hint in one try, and I will specify where it is exactly. Here it is: What state would love to do this?” As she asked the question, she began to do this splits.

Cagealis began to laugh. He said, “Hah! That’s an easy one! The obvious answer is Texas, because they keep wanting to split from the union. Now tell us, where in Texas must we go?”

“Ah, smart ones you are indeed,” Pleasure remarked, “You must go to the Dallas Cowboy’s stadium. I don’t know the name of that stadium, but it doesn’t really matter because they aren’t even good anyway.”

“Alright, thanks a bunch! Come on guys, let’s hop in our carriage and get to Dallas!” their great leader: Cagealis said.

And so, they all hopped into their newly acquired carriage, and Annifer held tightly onto Cagealis, and he was freaking out because of it. Along their journey, somewhere in one of the two lame states of Arizona or New Mexico, they couldn’t really tell which one because they’re both so boring, they came across a very famous singer. His name: Biebin Juster. So they picked him up, and let him ride with them.

“Hey guys, how are all of you?” Biebin said.

“Oh my god Biebin, we said you could ride with us, not talk to us!” Cim said with an upset tone because he doesn’t like Biebin.

And so, Biebin remained quiet as they travelled to the stadium for the Dallas Cowboys. When they finally arrived at the stadium, they hopped out of their carriage, and went into it. In the middle of the field, there stood one of the fantastic looking Cowboys cheerleaders.

They approached her, and she said, “Greetings my lovelies. I am a member of the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. We are the only reason people watch the Cowboys play. My name is Daisy Duke and I am the sister of Pleasure, but you can call me Double D.”

“Oh man, why do we keep facing super hot girls!” Cim worriedly said.

“This puzzle, is a puzzle unlike the previous ones. You will need to do death-defying feats in order to impress me,” Double D said.

“Aw yeah man, I’ll be all over this. I’m so fine, and can impress all the ladies,” Biebin expressed loudly.

“Yeah, don’t get ahead of yourself little boy,” Double D said, “This is it. I hope you are ready.”

As she said this, a small circular hole opened up in the ground, and a long pole began to emerge from it. It kept growing until it was taller than the stadium itself. The team, and Biebin, stood there amazed and in awe as this occured.

Cim stated, “Well, I guess you could say she likes long poles.”

“Alright Mr. Juster, I hope you can live up to the way you brag. Climb this pole, and at the top, the hint for the location of the next puzzle is inscribed. Good luck,” Double D said.

“Alright, baby, stand aside,” Biebin said as he gripped the pole.

“Haha, now that’s not new for him!” Cim remarked.

And so, Biebin began his ascent to the top of the pole. It was a struggle. Luckily for him, “I’ll make a man out of you” was playing in the background, so he gained Mulan’s ability to climb poles. After a while, he finally reached the top, and boy was he tired. He looked at it and inscribed upon the pole it said “St. Louis Arch.”

“Hey guys, it says we need to get to the St. Louis Arch. Man, this was easy!” Biebin said. However, in his cockiness, he loosened his grip, and he accidently let go. He began to fall. He hit the ground and went SPLAT! He died as he lived… On his back.

“Oh well,” everyone said.

And now that there’s been a death, this chapter must now come to an end. Join us next time when they travel to St. Louis. But just so you know, they hopped into their helicopter in order to begin the journey there.

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