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It was finally the day for me to head to Suzuka, I was so excited. Yuki had insisted I bring along a buddy, he said it was always more fun if you had someone to discuss with as you watched, I don't have a whole lot of friends here, none of them were really close enough to be invited to something like this.

This left me with two candidates- Katsumi or my annoying brother Kenji. Katsumi flat out rejected the idea, she wanted to enjoy her weekend off, I didn't complain she worked really hard, she worked so hard for me. So Ken it was. We made our way to the airport.

The craze was real, we saw fans from literally all over the world making their way to Nagoya, the closest major city to the circuit. The sheer amount of people rushing around was crazy, I sat in the lounge trying to calm my very disoriented self. Ken seemed to have no problem mingling and talking to those around him, by the time the flight was ready to be boarded, he had already befriended a group of Americans.

"You have so much energy." I teased him.

"Yeah I have to carry out the socialisation for both of us." He leafed through a magazine.

"While you're at it why not take another jab?"

"I know you're a complete dork but Ryan and the group have invited you to come have some drinks."

"Who's Ryan?" I raised my eyebrow.

"The guys I was talking to earlier? Ryan, Penny-"

"The group of people you met like 30 minutes earlier and got all Buddy with?"

"Yes, they're really cool! What do you say?"

"Aren't they jet lagged?"

"Such a wet blanket," he huffed, "you have until we land to decided if you're coming or not."

With that remark, he decided to take a nice nap. Busy man had so many social commitments to be a part of, it still surprised everyone how the only thing we had in common was certain facial features. Truth be told we were nothing alike, but that's why we got along decently well. I was still the better sibling though.

I had made my mind, I wasn't going to go clubbing but if he needed me to come get him and the group after they were wasted out of their senses I'd be there. He asked me what I was going to do the whole time? I honestly answered I didn't know, but I was definitely too tired to move around.

"Emi, Baba has more energy than you." He snickered.

"You think you're so funny 'Baba has more energy than you-' you're acting awfully arrogant for someone who's relying on his little sister for the fun this weekend."

"Oh I see how this is!" He propped himself up in his seat.

"I'm just stating facts, please don't speak so loudly." I answered in a ironic poshness.

After landing, Kenji introduced me to the whole group he had been talking to. Ryan, Penny, Josh, Eve and Colton, they beamed introducing themselves. I gave them the best polite smile I could and thanked them for the invitation.

"I know you've made your mind but it'll be so much more fun if you came too!" Penny beamed pushing a strand of her blonde hair back.

"Yeah! We girls could have ditched them and had a good time on our own." Eve added.

"Thanks so much, but I'm rather tired. I'll see you at the Grand Prix! Besides I've told Ken I'll be the Uber if you guys need."

"You were right Ken," Colton looked back at Kenji, "she's like weirdly polite." He laughed.

I was so confused. Should I take this as a compliment or an insult. Without anything more to say, I headed to my hotel room and decided to just sit down and relax. I texted Yuki to let him know that I was here, he sent back a barrage of very excited text messages.

I took a nice shower, changed into cleaner clothes and watched shows on TV, I looked at the time on my phone, I was getting hungry. Maybe I should have gone with them just to get a meal, now I was on my own.

It wasn't worth leaving the hotel to find a place to eat, thanks to Yuki we were in a fancy hotel chain-things were pretty much standardised. I got a table at the restaurant and placed an order for dinner.

Teo: Have you reached?

You: Yeah! Waiting for dinner now wbu?

Teo: enjoying my morning😌 I'm working the evening shift today

You: sounds fun! What are you up to?

Teo: I'm at my parents' house, mamma's making me a nice breakfast

You: aaahhh I'm so jealous! She makes the best Brioche tell her I said hi 👋

Teo: she says hi too and tells you that the next time you're in town you're coming over for a meal and there's no saying no

You: I'd be there right now if I could! Never saying no to her cooking

Teo: such a sweet talker 🙄

You: I mean it!

Teo: okay I'll take your word for it. Also, CALL YOUR FRIENDS WE MISS YOU

You: I text you all the time!

Teo: what about Giada and Charlotte?

You: 😬

Teo: ...

You: what am I supposed to talk to them about?

Teo: idk 🤷‍♂️ just don't fight over the same man

You: Aren't you a genius!

Teo: please Emikoooo, make an effort! They love you

You: I love them too! I just don't know how to talk to them

Teo: You're so strange sometimes.

Teo: but I'm a good friend, the best in fact. So I'll be arranging a call between everyone soon, stay tuned!

You: yes sir!

My meal was here, I thanked the server, texted Matteo a bye and dug in. The Udon felt so good, I was craving these noodles so bad and finally eating them made me really happy.

After a beyond satisfying meal I headed back to my room, I was still it sure if I should go to bed or check on how Kenji and his new friends were doing. I sent him a text and waited for about an hour, when I got no response I decided to head to bed. He was an adult who was capable of taking care of himself.

The next morning, I still had no answer to my text. I got ready for the day and headed to his room, I knocked on the door and still had no response. I walked to the reception desk asking to let me in to the room.

To my surprise, the receptionist said that the room was empty. The guest has checked out. What? I looked at her in confusion,I thanked her and called him up.

After lots of missed calls, worried pacing in the corridor and realising all the places I wanted to see were probably already packed with tourists, I got a call from him.

"Hey!" He squeaked.

"Where the hell are you?" I badgered, my whole face was feeling hot, and my temples hurt.

"So...funny story-"

"I'll decide if it's funny or not later. Where the heck are you?"

"So, basically. I'm in Suzuka."


" can you...hurry over?"

"How did you even reach there? What about the others?"

"Oh they're all here with me! Will you come on your own or should I come pick you up?"

"Why are you in Suzuka on Thursday? And did you check out already?"

"Well yes but actually no, check out is at 12 so please come."

"What do you mean?"

"Yuki will take care from here-Yuki! Yuki! Hey! Can you come explain everything to her?"

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