Wedding Bells

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-As soon as I see someone else getting close to you, I get jealous-

Today was the much-awaited day of her life. She was finally going to marry her best friend. It sounds so romantic and like a fairy tale. It would have if it wasn't a marriage of convenience but Inessa wasn't complaining. She had waited for this day for years. 

There was no denying, Andrei was the best person in her life apart from her younger brother, Louis. Andrei cared for her, unlike her own family. He was always there for her.  

Everything had changed after her father's second marriage. The one who changed the most was her new Mom, Maria. She had taken a 180 from being sweet and caring to rude and selfish after the wedding. Anya never cared much about her. Putting up with her was too much of an effort as she was a mute. His dad...well..his dad was nice to her but he also changed after that night. 

Her body shuddered with disgust as she recalled that fateful night.

It was Anya's 13th birthday. As always her birthday was being celebrated with great pomp and show. Inessa was sixteen at that time. 

The party was going on in full swing. Everybody was doting on her little sister while she stood some distance away from the jolly crowd, watching everything. Anya had many friends and she had none. She never envied Anya but sometimes, just sometimes, she also wanted to feel wanted. Her father had moved on with his new family, leaving her behind. It is not that he had discarded her but she surely was no more on his list of priorities. Anya and Louis had replaced her. Her disability had almost turned her invisible to the world, except for one person, Arthur. Maria's younger brother.

He was always very kind to her, very attentive. Despite her disability, he always treated her as normal. 

Inessa beamed when she spotted him at the party. The 40-year-old man walked straight over to her and gave her a kiss on her cheek. His lips lingered longer than necessary. Inessa felt uncomfortable but chose to ignore it. 

"How's my princess doing?" he put his hands on her shoulders, massaging them lightly. Inessa bobbed her head, stating she was good. His grey eyes were glowing with something strange. 

"I've got something for my, princess," he pulled out chocolate from his pants pocket and held it out for her. Inessa smiled affably and took the chocolate from him. 

"Come on, open it. eat it up," he instructed her while ogling at her maturing body. Unaware of his intention, Inessa complied.

His lust-filled eyes were fixed on her lips as she continued to eat the whole chocolate. He took the wrapper from her before looking around. 

"Come on, Let's get inside. I want to show you something," he grabbed her hand and started urgently pulling her towards her house. Everyone was lost in the celebration to take note of them. Inessa wrinkled her brows in confusion as he hastily pulled her away from the crowd. She fet something off. She grabbed his arm and tried to let him know that he was hurting her but he paid no mind. When her instincts started to wave red flags, she tried to pull her hand free. However, his hold was stronger. With teary eyes, she helplessly looked back to see the whole crowd cheering as Anya cut her cake. She waved her hand desperately but no one saw her. How easy would have been to save herself if only she could speak. A tear fell down her eyes before he pulled her into the house.   

She cried and tried to resist as he dragged her into her dad's room as that was the first room on the ground floor. He threw Inessa in the bed before slamming the door shut. 

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