Stars And Sky

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Danzel had a charity event to attend tonight. He was a celebrated philanthropist with an impeccable public image. The man was exceptional in keeping up the noble facade with his kind smile. Many dubbed him as a godsend for his altruistic nature. But little did they know, he wasn't a godsend, he just knew how to act like one.

No one could guess he had kept a woman captive for his illicit desires.  

The lines between right and wrong had blurred for him ever since his lips touched hers. The rush he felt, was beyond words, it shook him to his core. She looked like an angel and tasted like nectar. She was divine.

Tonight, he was going to take her to the event. Why? Fransisco was also going to be there.

After finishing the work, he headed towards his mansion. 

He had bought the mansion solely for her. Danzel had bought himself an apartment as he had no plans of staying here in France for long when he had come for his brother's funeral. It was after 13 years, he had stepped on the French soil. He had already made a life in the US. Reason? Her. He wanted to forget her but instead, he started seeing her in every woman he met, he fucked. The obsession grew inside him like a tumor without him knowing and every time he closed his eyes, she was there smiling at him. It looked like not even a decade was enough to get her out of his head.       

He returned home and felt a little annoyed at not seeing her in the hall. A scowl was quick to appear on his face. She was supposed to be here, ready. 

Loosening his tie, he stomped up to her room. 

He pushed the door open with force. His eyes instantly found her and just like that, the scowl on his face morphed into something else. 

Inessa was looking at her reflection in the mirror when she was startled by the noise of her door burst open. She swiveled in sudden surprise and came face to face with the protagonist of her nightmares. He had a scowl on his face that morphed into a frown before smoothening into a stoic look. 

She felt a little uncomfortable by the intensity with which his eyes raked over her body. She was wearing a teal color knee-length dress as he had sent for her with a thin platinum chain and diamond stud. She had put her hair together into a simple bun. She had no makeup on. She just wanted to get over with whatever he was about to put her through.    

The dress was hugging her body at all the right places, accentuating her delicious curves. Her soft curves that he had fondled and caressed so many times. She was painfully irresistible, sexy and, beautiful. He was tempted to drop the plan and take her straight to his bed where he would pound into her till the dawn and then some. His dick was getting hard at the thought. 

Just like a moth is drawn to the flame, Danzel strode over to her. She continued to look up at him in confusion as he hovered over her with dilated pupils and slightly parted lips. She took a step back only to bump into the vanity. He took a step closer and leaned over her face. He inhaled deeply before exhaling. His hot breathing fanned her face. 

She was staring up at him with alarmed eyes. A moment later, she felt his large hand on her waist. Inessa let out a gasp when he squeezed her waist, all the while boring holes into her eyes. He moved closer, pressing his crotch against her belly, making her heart speed up. Imprisoned by the intensity of his eyes, she didn't realise when his large rough hand slyly rode up to her breast. She realized it when she felt a light pressure on her left boob as he squeezed it. Inessa's eyes turned wide in surprise. 

Danzel was turned on both by her reaction and her softness. He squeezed her breast with a little more pressure this time, causing her sensitive nipples to harden. Inessa clenched her fists and he dropped his gaze to her chest. He let his thumb play with her pebbled bud. Inessa grasped his wrist in order to stop him. He flipped his gaze up into her eyes and took a step back not because she stopped him but because they were getting late. 

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