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Inessa sprang to her feet and backed away, scared. His mere presence had instilled fear in her. Danzel continued to stare at her with a stoic face. 

She fisted her dress and looked around her surrounding. She was surrounded by people who wanted her blood. She felt as if she was in a courtroom. She was the convict and the rest were juries who already had decided her fate. Death. 

Mrs. Lavigne was glaring at her with utmost hatred. So much so that it made her skin crawl. Mr.Lavigne had the fire of revenge burning in his eyes. Flynn also looked pissed. It was only Danzel who had no expression on his face. No remorse or hatred or anger. He had masked his expression with a blank look.

Inessa felt uncomfortable under so many intense gazes. She wrapped her arms around her waist and stood with her head cast down.

Shortly, a man came with another man. Inessa looked up and instantly realized who was it, their driver. 

The driver threw a furtive glance at Inessa before looking down. 

"Speak," Rudolph commanded. 

"I told Inessa, ma'am, to let me drive the car but she refused," the man revealed in a submissive tone.

"Did you hear that? She..she killed him. Who told you to drive when you don't know driving," Inessa's eyes widened in realization. They were blaming her for his death because she was the one driving. 

She shook her head vigorously. They had mistaken her. In desperation, she took a stride towards Mrs. Lavigne and moved her hands to communicate, to explain that the brake had gotten failed.

Danzel watched her silently, understanding what she was saying. The revelation she made had gotten his mind working. How did the brake fail? 

"She is saying the brake got failed," the driver who knew her language, explained.

The shock was evident on Rudolph and Anna's faces.

She shook her head vigorously, sobbing, trying her hard to make them know that she didn't kill him. She was as hurt as they were, more so, because Andrei was the only one in this world who understood and accepted her the way she was. 

Rudolph and Anna took a moment to process the revelation.

A moment passed by and she noticed how confusion in Rudolph's eyes turned to anger.   

Rudolph shot to his feet while glaring at her. In three quick strides, he was in front of her. Inessa looked at him with horror-stricken eyes. 

"Who are you working for?" he asked her in a low but grave tone.

Inessa's brows came together in confusion. 

" Who do you work for?" he gritted out. Inessa's eyes widened in shock when she realized what he was implying. They were thinking she had orchestrated the accident. Her heart sank when she saw death dancing in Rudolph's eyes. He was going to kill her. Shaking her head in no, she took a step back. Rudolph grabbed her elbow, singing his nails in her skin. 

"Who put you up to this, Inessa?" he asked again. 

Inessa started shaking her head while struggling to free her hand from his hold.

"You will not spill like this. I'll have to beat it out of you," he growled before raising his hand. 

Inessa's heart jumped a beat when she saw his raising eyes. She turned her face and closed her eyes in terror.  

Before Rudolph could strike her, someone held his wrist, stopping him mid-air.

Danzel stepped forward and challenged his dad with his eyes. Rudolph gritted his teeth but Danzel didn't leave his hand. 

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