Chapter 5

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One of the nurses walked into the waiting room and said, "Clay, and Alex, You can see George Davidson now." Dream got up extremely quickly and said to Quackity, "It's best I go in first, I need to see him," Quackity nodded and sat back down. "Great, what room?" "Room 404." "Okay thank you so much." Dream sprinted to the room as fast as he could and opened the door slowly so as to not disturb George in case he was sleeping. When he saw George laying in that hospital bed he started crying for two reasons, one, he was so happy to finally see George, two, the state of George hurt for him to look at, he looked so miserable, and in so much pain. But it didn't matter to Dream, as long as he was alive that's all he cared about.

He sat down next to George on the bed, he held his hands in his once again, "George, I'm so sorry." George looked up at Dream, "It's not your fault, I'm just glad you're here, I missed you." Dream hugged George gently and kissed him on the cheek. "Look at me George," yet again, George looked up at Dream after his head had slowly drifted to the side. "I love you, and I promise that I'll never leave you alone with him again. I should've known what he would do, I guess what I'm really trying to say is, I'm sorry George." George sighed, "Clay, you look at me" Dream looked right at George, "It's not your fault my love, It's all Nick, I can attest that he didn't do it on purpose, but I'm not quite sure what he wanted to do." George gestured for Dream to come closer, he whispered in his ear, "he had a knife to my throat Clay, I-I think he wanted to kill me." "Oh my god, I can't believe he would do that, I can't believe you went through that I just-" Dream was speechless. "It's okay, because now we know what extent he'll go to to make sure we're apart, that would be," George sighed, "murder" "George, we'll get through this, together. I promise, no matter what happens, we'll be together." George nodded and laid his head back. "I'm gonna rest for a bit now."

Dream walked out and ran into George's nurse on the way down the hall, "Oh, hi, you're George Davidson's nurse right?" "Yes, I am, is something wrong?" "No, I just wanted to know when he could be discharged? He's sleeping right now." "Oh, he won't be discharged until later tomorrow." "You should leave now, we don't allow visitors after 4:00" "Okay, when can I come see him tomorrow?" "Sorry, you can't visit him tomorrow, we need to run some tests, and assuming all that goes well, you can come pick him up tomorrow, we'll give you a call." "So I can't see him again until tomorrow?" "Yes sir, around 7:30pm assuming everything goes smoothly." "Oh my god, I can't do this, are you sure I can't see him at all tomorrow?" "I'm sorry sir, you can't." "No. No, I didn't know, I-I need to see him again, I need to say goodbye, please, let me go back." "Please leave sir, we don't allow visitors after 4:00" "No, I NEED TO GO BACK, YOU HAVE TO LET ME GO BACK PLEASE" Dream tried to push past her, "Sir, Sir! Come back! Security! Security!" Two security guards came and took Dream to the front door. "No! You can't, I need to see him! I need to say goodbye! Please!"

 They threw him out the front door and Quackity ran out after him. "Dream! What the hell was that!?!? What happened?" "They won't let me see him again until he is discharged tomorrow at 7:30 I can't do this, I didn't even get to say goodbye, I don't know what to do, I need to see him, I didn't get to say goodbye..." Dream broke down again at the last sentence. Quackity sat down in the driver's seat and started the car, "I know it's hard, but you just have to wait a little longer okay?"

Dream was looking out the window the whole ride home, just thinking. He knew he shouldn't let himself think, it would only make it that much worse. When they arrived at home Dream got out of the car with the help of Quackity because he was so weak and shaking. When he got inside he sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands. Sapnap walked into the room and sat across from Dream on the other sofa. "Where's George?" "In the hospital because of you," Dream looked up, "I FUCKING HATE YOU!" He screamed nearly as loud as George had. Quackity sat down next to him, "Look at me, it's gonna be okay, alright? They said he was okay, you're gonna be able to see him tomorrow okay?" Quackity told him calmly. Dream nodded slightly then said, "Why are the covers off all the cushions on my couch?" Sapnap had to think of something to make up, even though he had killed Karl on them and they would be ruined entirely. "Um, Karl got sick from drinking last night and threw up, yeah, sorry but I think they're ruined, I already threw them out." "Great, whatever." "Where's Karl now?" Quackity asked. "Um, I told him everything that happened, and he said that he needed a break and was going away for a while." "Mhm, I don't believe that for a second." Dream got up, he was still shaky, but he pinned Sapnap against the wall. "Let me ask you again. Where. Is. Karl." Sapnap was scared of Dream but insisted on lying to him, "I told you he left!" Dream let go of Sapnap. "Bullshit."

Late that night when Sapnap and Quackity were already asleep upstairs, Dream sat on the couch and stared into space, all he could think about was George, he didn't know if he would be okay or not or if he was going to have to stay. It was entirely dark in the room so he could barely see anything but had his phone right next to him in case it rang. He was so overwhelmed by all of these feelings that he couldn't think straight, or even remember what had happened with George earlier.

 The sharp noise of the ringing of his phone disrupted these thoughts, and he picked up the phone immediately with a low, "Hello?" "Hi, this is Florida Medical Center," "Hi, this is Clay speaking," "Hello Clay, sorry to call you at such a late hour, but we would like to inform you on the status of George." "No problem, and what, is something wrong with George? Is he okay? Do I need to come over?" "No sir, George is okay, but we wanted to inform you that you can pick him up Friday at 11am" "Really? A day later?!" "Yes sir, that is correct, well enjoy the rest of your night, goodbye." "Bye." Dream slammed the phone down on the couch and started crying into his arms on the table.


Dream got up and grabbed the same knife Sapnap had hurt George with, and killed Karl with-which Dream didn't know yet. He took a deep breath and put the knife to his wrist, he took another deep breath, and slowly cut his wrist with the knife. He hadn't done it very deep, but it was still bleeding a lot. Dream yelled loudly, and realized how much pain George must've been in to have a knife through his foot. He put some towels over it, and washed the knife off. Then, as he was going upstairs to put a large sweatshirt over it so no one would see, he ran into Quackity going downstairs because he heard Dream.


Dream c*t himself with the same kn*fe Sapnap k*lled Karl and hurt George with.  He did this because he couldn't see George, and it was part of the "plan." As he was going to hide it, he ran into Quackity on the stairs.


 "Dream? What are you doing? And what is that on your arm, you're bleeding a ton?" "I-I um I was just um," "Did you do this to yourself?" "no.." "Dream?" Quackity asked in a sterner voice. "yes..." Dream admitted defeat shamefully. "Clay, why would you ever do something like that? Is it because of George? If so, that's nonsense, you already know he's okay and you can pick him up tomorrow night!" "Yeah it is..But they just called me and said I can't get him until Friday at 11am which makes me think something's wrong and he might get hurt more, and I don't know what to do anymore Alex. The truth is I just needed to feel something, something other than guilt, other than sadness, other than worry, I needed to feel pain, and I did." Quackity led him downstairs and sat with him on the couch.

 "Now, I'm not gonna lecture you on how bad what you just did really is, but I am going to tell you that I love you, I love you Dream, and not in a romantic way, just as a friend, I hate to see you hurting yourself over this, because he will get better, you will see him again. I can't believe you would ever do something like this, you have to promise me that you'll never do it again Clay, promise me. "I promise." Dream wasn't entirely sure that he meant that promise, but was going to try to stick with it the whole time, he didn't want to let Quackity or George down. Quackity was right, he would see George again soon, and he was okay, but he just had to wait. The pain was terrible, but he knew, to see George again, he would have to deal with it. With that Quackity left him, and went upstairs back to bed, Dream fell asleep on the couch with a blanket that Quackity had left next to him for that exact reason. 

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