The Dreamer and The River

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A piece of a puzzle will never fit unless it is placed at the right place, at exactly the right time; the heart is the very same, it will not open until it finds the right love at exactly the right time. Often times the heart opens for what humans call the wrong person and they end up blaming their hearts for their pain and cursing it for their emotional suffering. But though in the eyes of humans what happened may have been wrong, the heart knows that love is never wrong and that it only opens itself for the right love at exactly the right time.

And in a sense the soul is the very same, it resides inside of its human their entire life but it only comes to life when it is time to find its mates and that will be the best time of the soul's life and perhaps the worst of the human's but in the end, everything will be alright because the human will come to realize that when the soul wakes up and starts searching for its mate, there is nothing or no one that can stand in its way.

Heartbreak is somewhat of the same, it is unpleasant and it gets all the blame the world has to offer but it never happens unless it is at the right time at exactly the right place.

And though Aviva had tried her best to instil these things into Zyair after every heartbreak he encountered he could not grasp the concept, it was not until she broke his heart that he understood what she meant by the right place, at exactly the right time.

Aviva and Zyair met when they were both fourteen. She saw him first, sitting on the edge of a bridge at the end of a park road, far away from the crowd, alone in the dark of the evening. Something inside her was drawn to him, something she could not explain -at least that's what she used to say. She could feel his sadness and she could tell he wanted to jump; she would know, she was on her way to sit on the very bridge he was, to consider the same thing he was. Both felt so invisible that they convinced themselves that if they were to jump even when the park was crowded nobody would notice because they themselves are nobodies so why would anybody see that they were gone.

Just as she had sensed his sadness he had sensed her presence behind him and he could smell the fresh blood draining from her wrists. He turned to look at her and their souls mirrored each other, in more ways than one they were the same person, and where they weren't they had learned to love the differences over the years. Both individuals, - a stranger to the other, were forcing their pain away to find a way to help the other one ease their pain. There was a silence between them that night, a silence that spoke words only the soul knows how to understand, a silence that followed them throughout the years, a silence that, years later made it easy to deal with the sting of losing his best friend.

Aviva was the one to break the silence, she observed him the way a mother would observe her toddler after they came home covered in mud from a day at the park and said thirteen simple words that formed the foundation of their friendship, she said: "If you sit there looking like that you will scare all the people away" and she was right, he was sitting on the ledge smelling and looking like exactly what inexperienced people describe depression and suicidal thoughts to be.

For some reason her words made him smile and cause him to utter fifteen words of his own; he looked at her the way a kid looks at a puppy and he said "If you stand there looking like that then you'll bring all the attention to us" and he was right, she was standing under the street light with blood dripping from her wrist and a face more beautiful than any he had ever seen before.

She said nine words to him after that, and that was the start of a friendship that lasted a lifetime, she said: "make space for me on the ledge then mister". And he did and time after time after that he had to make space for her on the very ledge when she had to come and rescue him from himself.

Over the years their first words gained new meaning between them, one afternoon as they were walking home from school Aviva turned to Zyair and said "I have an idea"

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