Lost Of Love And A Gain Of Lust Pt.1

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(Smutty part coming up)

When things got better between me and my boyfriend, something else was gonna make up break up. Let me tell you what happened that is gonna break my heart

There was one day that me and Gene ran late due to being lazy or not wanting to get out of bed. We both hurried to practice but ran even more later

Paul looked at Tommy after calling them both "this is not their first time of doing this. Do you know what is up with those two?"

Tommy shrugs "not sure but they have been together a lot" he sighs and plays his guitar a little "we need to get to the bottom of this soon"

We get there soon and Paul was yelling at us about it but soon calmed down. We all sit down soon and talk it over with but soon Paul was gonna find out what was really going on

Me and Gene disappeared to the bathroom and made out for a while. We both jump when Paul walks into on his kissing

Paul stands there and couldn't believe what he saw soon leaving the room

We leave the bathroom and hurry to him "Paul we're sorry! Yes we're dating" I look at him and smile

Paul looks up "I'm not so upset about it and I'm glad you two are in love but we need to stop with the being late to multiple practices"

Me and Gene nods and get excited when we share another kiss

Tommy laughs and looks at Paul " Well I guess we know now that we have a couple in our band now"

Paul nods and sits next to him "reminds me of Ace and Peter when they fell I love" he laughs and looks at him

Later on at a concert I play my drums and see Gene flirting with Tommy which made me feel sad and angry. I cry after the concert and hide in the bathroom

 I cry after the concert and hide in the bathroom

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Gene goes up to the door "Eric.... Please talk to me. Are you okay honey"

I open the door fast in anger and the tears went down my face "what were you thinking when you were licking Tommy's cheek and flirting with him....IN FRONT OF ME ESPECIALLY!" I yell at him

He stands there "babe it's part of my character where I'm crazy like that!" He gets irritated

I yell more "NO ITS NOT! YOUR CHARACTER IS THE FUCKING DEMON AND DEMONS DONT DO THAT!" I cry loudly and goes to slap him but pulls my hand down to stop myself "Enjoy your new boyfriend because I'm done with you!!!! I'm leaving you! We're done" I storm out of the room and slams the door soon leaving the building

We go without talking to each other for a few days and Gene knew I was pissed with him. I ignored his text and calls soon crying into the pillows because I thought he was the one. At every practice and concert, I nearly talked and just did my job as a drummer. During practice I feel Gene touch my shoulders soon rubbing them which made me break down finally

Gene hugs him and sighs "let's go talk somewhere private. I'm sorry about everything and didn't mean to hurt you....to hurt us"

We both talk it over and I break down even more where I fell over and he caught me soon holding me to calm me down. I calm down soon and kiss him deeply soon telling him not to do that anymore which he agreed he was wrong for doing that to me. I admitted to him that I wanted to be with him and to stay with him at his place. He agreed and helped me pack my stuff at my place and moved all of it to his place. While I unpack, he make room for my stuff which wasn't too much work since he has always lived by himself before we met.

We got my place sold and I was with him all the time no matter what. I gained my trust with him for three months and that was the time I got much more comfortable with him. We laid in bed one night and I felt Gene touch my crotch whcih is where my vagina was which I knew he wanted me "You can only touch down there and play with it as long as you be good"

Gene nods and takes my pants off a little soon feeling down there. He rubs gently and feels for his clit soon rubbing it hard

I bite my lip and moan loudly "ahhh shit!" I felt so much love and pleasure from my boyfriend's gentle touches

He looks at him and gents hard "mmm that's hot. Can I play more?"

I nod and widen my legs "yes honey but no sex yet" I move my legs where they were apart far enough for him

He goes between my legs and plays more "you're so wet and sticky which is how I like it. Do you trust me enough to finger you? I want you to get comfortable"

I get lost in lust and grip the bed sheets "yeah go ahead honey" I knew he was being very good to me due to knowing that I struggled a bit with trust

(Part 2 is next! Hope you guys like it! Thanks for reading!)

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