ALEXANDER 'S HappyEnding...?!

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Alex's P.O.V

Yo, what's up? I'm Alexander but my friends call me Alex for short, I'm 16.... (Now lets get to the story, you'll meet the chacters through out the story.)

I got up and as usual fight over the bathroom with my sister, my sister is called Emily she's younger then me, she's 14...

'I called it first' Emily yells. as I replay 'Em, I don't care.' as she barked back 'well I don't ether!' I roll my eyes at her and continue to push her to get in as she does the same, a couple minutes later my dad walks out. A little about my dad, well he's a doctor and him and my mum are happily married, for 22years, I look a lot like my dad and he's really wise, I look up to him as my mum looks like Emily.

'What's going on here?' as my sister stops pushing and turns around facing my dad as I rush into the bathroom locking the door after me as she bangs on it, I ignore and wash up. I got dressed into  these faded blue colored jeans with a regular white t-shirt and go grab my bag, heading to school since it's a thursday. I rush down the stairs as my mum opens the door for me, I kiss her on the cheeck and rush out the door as she yells after me 'take care' I wave my hand in the air in response. I get into my car, turning it on and going off to Sopia's place.

Sopia is the definition of perfection, she's beautiful, smart and always smells amazing! Sopia is a close friend, I want to be more... but I blew my chance with her last year. If I only told her how I felt anyway now she's happily with Chase, her boyfriend, I hate him with everything in me... I know, I know you might say it's cause I like her and I'm jelous but no, if she would just be with any other guy instead of him, I mean someone like neardy Jimmy, he looks nicer then his name and has started wearing these awesome striped sweaters instead of just plain ones. anyway, why I dislike Chase so much is cause me and him, yeah we have a lot of history and I know he's doing this to get on my nervous cause she's my best friend, but if he hurts her I'll make sure to hurt his face... with a chair (= another reason I don't want her with him is cause he's a double time cheater and BIG FAT LIAR ! but I see how her faces just lights up when she's with him and how she can't stop smiling when she's with him, so he must be doing something good...

at Sopia's place, I'm here to pick her up cause I always give her a ride to school. as I park in front of her house I press my horn as I see her jog out and over into the car.

'did you have breakfest?' she asks as I replay 'no, not hungry' as she rolls her eyes and cuts half of her peauntbutter sandwich and litterly stuffs it into my mouth.

(I'll be uploading the second chap in a bit :*)

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