Chapter 1 - Flashbacks

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      A/N: I just wanted to let you guys know that any flashbacks will be italicized, and any A/N's throughout the story will be in bold letters. Also the song I added is called Welcome to my Life by: Simple Plan and I think the song really fits Percy and Una. Also this is one of my favorite songs so I totally recommend it.

     Disclaimer: I do not own any Percy Jackson characters, Avengers characters, or the pictures at the top. I only own Una Jackson-Parker, the plot, and any OCs I might add later. This is my first chapter and I hope you like it! This is from my own mind and if I accidentally took something from someone else's story then just tell me and I will change it.

                                    ⚠️Warning⚠️: There will be abuse, blood, and death in this chapter. I will put the warning sign before and after the parts with abuse, but I can't do much for the death and blood considering that most of the chapter includes them.

      Well, they're dead. They are all dead. And it's my fault. I should've saved them, but I didn't and now they are dead. The eight, apart from Percy and I, are all dead. I should've saved them just like I should've saved my mom.


      "Come on, Percy! We've gotta go home now! It's 3:20 now and we have to get home before 3:30! You know how long it takes to get to the apartment, and you also know what Smelly Gabe will do if we don't get there on time!" I exclaimed. "Do you have the money to give him and his friends?" Percy asked me. "Yeah, now c'mon!" I shouted. We ran as fast as we could to get there before 3:30, but alas, some things can't be the way we want them. "Hey! You're late! I'm sick and tired of you ungrateful brats and your stupid mom too! This is the last time that I'm going to deal with you! Say goodbye to your mommy, kids!" Smelly Gabe yelled at us. Then he did the worst thing possible to my twelve year-old eyes. He slammed his beer bottle over Mom's head until it shattered then beat her to death while she screamed. Percy and I were just standing in the doorway watching, too paralyzed in fear to move. ⚠️(A/N: If you didn't read this part, Sally just died, and the abuse is also over.)

       The next things that happened were a blur to my eyes as I was still in shock. My neighbors heard the screaming and called the cops. They arrested Smelly Gabe and asked me some questions that I answered truthfully, only keeping the demigod thing secret. They asked me if I had any living relatives, and I told them that I didn't think so. They wanted to make sure, so they did a blood test. Turns out that although my dad was "lost at sea" my mom has a sister named May Parker, and I had a cousin named Peter Parker who is thirteen. (A/N: I am making Peter 13 at the moment, so it makes more sense later with the ages. Remember that this is also a flashback.)

        The police took Percy and I to our aunt's apartment. The police spoke to her for a bit while we talked to Peter. They both seemed really nice though we were still wary because of our battle instincts and because of Smelly Gabe. In the end, we decided to give it a try with them to see where it took us, and we also knew that if things went badly we could always run away to camp. She gladly took us in and adopted us in court. The four of us also changed our last names to Jackson-Parker. Percy and I knew what we had to do: we would do everything we could to protect them from anything Greek or non-Greek that wanted to hurt them without them finding out and being put in danger.

        I just got out of that flashback when I defeated Gaea with the help of my twin, of course. All of a sudden I recalled the war.


       The Giant War was happening, and everyone was looking up to the eight. I felt uncomfortable with all eyes on me for a leader, but I knew that I had to be one for my friends and family. We fought and fought the monsters. The war was in our favor, but then the war took a turn for the worst. I heard the cry of help from Annabeth. She was stabbed in the leg and then the heart. I heard Percy cry out in sadness, but he still kept fighting. This only motivated me to fight harder as well. The next shout I heard was one from Piper for Jason had just gotten a spear through the stomach. He closed his eyes, and I knew he was gone. I was about to yell for Piper to watch out because Laestrygonians were creeping up behind her, but they had already done their damage. They picked her up and crushed her until she went limp. 

       Meanwhile I fought with everything I had, slaying monsters and helping others who couldn't fight to get help. Frank and Hazel were fighting back to back when at least 30 hellhounds swarmed them, and I knew they were going to die. Leo tried to help them, but dracaenae got in between him and them. He tried to create flames, but he was too tired therefore they sputtered out and died. The Minotaur got in between my view of him and Frazel, so I quickly killed him. I looked around trying to see where Leo, Hazel, and Frank were, but all I saw were their corpses. By then it was just Percy, me, and some other demigods I couldn't bear trying to name at the moment against a few of the stronger monsters and Gaea. Percy and I locked eyes and nodded. We charged against Gaea side by side and fought. We stabbed, sliced, rolled, dodged, and used our powers to try to gain an upper hand. I had a great idea, so I lifted Gaea off of the ground with my water powers, and Percy drowned her with his. We both collapsed with exhaustion, thinking about the war we just fought and all of the casualties. We were both pretty nicked up, but at the moment, all I wanted to do was lay down and rest.

       Currently we are in the infirmary getting healed by the Apollo cabin. I just realized something: what will May and Peter think about us having been gone for almost a whole year? What about our Tartarus nightmares? With the Jackson-Parker Luck™️ we have, we will probably end up screaming and waking everyone in the apartment due to nightmares. "-NA! UNA! UNA!" shouted Percy, startling me out of my thoughts. Realizing I must've gotten lost in my thoughts, I said, "Oh sorry. What were you saying?" with a sheepish grin. Percy sighed, "I was saying that the Apollo cabin fixed us up. We can go back home now!" "Oh ok," I said trying to sound enthusiastic. I guess I didn't try hard enough because Percy stated, "You don't seem too happy about that. Why not?" "I'm fiiiiiiine!" Considering the look Percy gave me, I guess he didn't believe me. "I was just thinking about how they all died," I lied. Percy seemed to accept my answer because he let it go. " Yeah, I'm sad too, but at least we get to see Peter and Aunt May," Percy voiced to me, "Now c'mon! Let's go home."

       A/N: How did you guys like the first chapter? If you have any recommendations for the next chapter, feel free to let me know. I hope you guys enjoyed the story. Remember to eat enough food, drink enough water, and get enough sleep. Have a nice day/night and remember to vote if you liked it.

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