The Comeback

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               February 12, 2019

5 years has passed. 5 years I've been alone. 5 years full of regrets. 5 years full of tears. And 5 years of this unrequited love of mine.

I decided to go back to my hometown. Its been 5 years since I left. I wan to let go of the past. I want to move on with my life. But I need a closure. I have to go back to the vintage cafe.

I was in front of the vintage cafe. It was the same. The surroundings is not that much been change.  I went inside the cafe and I sat to his place. I ordered a drink that was similar to his drink every time I'd saw him. Its been 5 years. My eyes stings due to my endless cries every night. I knew I loved him already.

I averted my eyes to where I used to stand every time it rains. My spot. Where I used to gape at him. I wish to do that again. But he's nowhere to be seen.

Oh, this tiny little glass wall. How I'd love to crush you. This little glass wall that served as our boundary. The one who separated our world.

"Here's your order mam," the waitress came to me together with my chocolate drink.

"Thank you," I say to her.

I was about to drink my hot chocolate when I noticed something. It was a tiny old paper. It looked aged. I was about to get it and read what was written when an old lady approached me that looked like she's in the age of late 60's.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but you cant take that. That was for a girl--- Oh my God! Its you dear! Its you." She kept on saying pretty obvious shock. But by? What? "Wait a minute," she said when she noticed my confused look.

She came back with a large painting in her hands. I was stupefied. The woman in the painting looks like me. My jaw almost drop to the white and shiny tiles when she draws closer to me. Shit.

"Darling it's you I've been waiting for. It's you this painting's been waiting for. This has been waiting for 105 years. But now," she paused and wiped her tears. "It has found its true owner."

"I'm sorry but I don't get you. 105 year?I haven't been existing that time. I----," I don't know but somehow I felt nervous, happy?, or maybe confused?, angry?. I don't know. I don't get myself anymore.

She gave me the painting and walk away silently that I even didn't notice. I walk back to his seat. I tried to compose myself but the more I felt like crying. I paid for my order and left some tips.

I went home. Then I remembered, I used to go home soaked.

I climbed to my bed and cries again. How long would I cry? I'm tired.

I look at the painting again. This time more closer. I'm certain, it's me. But how? Or maybe she's just someone that looks like me. But all the details in the painting says it's me. Deep inside I know it's me.

The painting portrayed a teen age girl in her exquisite school uniform that feels out of place of the surrounding. A teen age girl directly looking at the glass wall with her blushed face that is romantically supported by rain.

Then I remembered the old paper. I struggled to find it in my purse but it's not there. Should I go back? I ask myself.

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