Bullying isn't cool,
Actually, it'll make you sound more like a fool,
Bullies never get good stuff,
And their friendships are pretty rough,
Why bully when you can say something kind?
And be accepted in friend groups instead of being declined,
One Kind Word is all we need,
To have a whole kind world to lead!
Kindness, is our key to success,
So help them fix their bullying mess,
One Kind Word is easy to say!
So go brighten up someone's day!
Help people realise bullying is bad,
And that people get bullied every day which is sad,
There's many types of bullying, not only one,
Like cyber bullying, which isn't that fun,
Let's spread happiness to everyone we can!
And stick with our : One Kind Word plan.
We turn bullies into friends!
And, ok, not always, it depends.
So say One Kind Word to somebody a day,
And we'll slowly change our world into a better place, but that takes time so it'll probably won't happen today.
Now, one more reminder, spread joy and happiness as often as you can,
Because your Anti-bullying journey had just began...Written by Monika Wojtas