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Dean composed himself from his tears as his fury started to build. Who knows what punishment that prick was doing to his baby brother right now. He started to shake as Penny hugged him tight and was crying herself. Dean quieted himself and concentrated all his power to send a single message. It would have to use most of his power to cover the distance alone but he didn't care. Enough was enough and he needed answers now.

Dumbledore. If everything I did for your school means anything you will get here now and start talking. Or I'm gonna go beat the hell out of Jacob and take Y/N back. Then I'm going to the Daily Prophet. Albus Dumbledore allows the son of the Archduke to be tortured and abused. You've got ten minutes!

Dean sent the thought to the old wizard and collapsed back in Penny's arms, exhausted.

"Are you ok babe" she asked, panicking as he fell back.

"Yeah, just contacted Albus, demanding answers" Dean replied.

Within five minutes the floo network came to life as out stepped an old man with moon shaped glasses and a warm smile. He looked at his two Hogwarts alumni with a fatherly gaze.

"How delightful to see you both again, you were both two of my favourites students and I knew from the moment I saw you together you would be one of wizarding's great love stories" Albus smiled at the pair.

Penny blushed slightly as she helped Dean onto the couch, he was still recovering from using his power. The brothers were all powerful legilimens- she knew that- but to send a message from London to Hogwarts, and to pinpoint it to one man... Penny shuddered to think how much it would have taken out of her lover as she greeted the elderly wizard:

"It's good to see you too headmaster, thank you for the kind words" she smiled.

"Ahh young Ms. Haywood, Albus or Dumbledore is fine. You aren't my student anymore"

"Thanks.... Albus" Penny smiled while rubbing her lovers back.

"Cut the niceties Dumbledore" Dean scowled at him. "I want answers and I want them now. That wasn't an empty threat. Tell me everything or I mean it, I swear on everything holy I will go to the Daily Prophet right now and bring my brother home".

Penny gasped at this but didn't speak up, instead hugging onto her lover tightly. She knew from his tone of voice this wasn't a threat. He was far beyond threats and anger at this point. He was serious.

Dumbledore looked at the young couple over his glasses and sighed. He knew the young man well enough. He knew of his determination- he'd seen it first hand when he spent years unsuccessfully punishing Dean for his interference with the Cursed Vaults. When a L/N had his mind made up nothing could impinge upon their will and determination. It was time for Albus to come clean. He had to make the couple understand.

"Ok. I will explain everything. I understand how hard this must be for you..." Albus started to speak but was quickly cut off.

"Do you... do you understand... cos I don't think you understand shit". Dean interrupted coldly.

"Babe please..." Penny sighed before kissing his temple. Dean sighed before looking back at the aged Professor. "Please continue"

"It is our belief your youngest brother is the subject of a prophecy. The prophecy. Key to the downfall of the Dark Lord himself. Young Y/N may be one of the most important wizards to ever live". Albus stated with sincerity.

"So you like Jacob think he will return" Dean asked, concerned.

"Yes Dean I do, I know he will. And your brother along with Harry Potter will be the keys to defeating him. Without them all we have and love will be lost forever". Dumbledore sighed.

For You I Will #1- The Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now