005. late night rendezvous

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late night rendezvous / chapter five

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late night rendezvous / chapter five

SIRIUS BLACK had felt uncomfortable since Monday afternoon. Even where he stood now, he couldn't help but think about the book, the letter, and the consequences that were waiting for him.

That book was never meant to be brought out to the public, being the last thing he wanted. It was just one of the many silly things he would write on his journal during his free time, somehow turning into a book by Merlin knows who. But he was glad he wasn't stupid enough to write his name all over it because things would've been so much worse, not to mention the embarrassment that would follow him for the rest of eternity.

"Black, are you good? You've been acting all weird ever since Dumbledore's letter." A voice muttered from next to Sirius, causing him to fall off the trance he was in.

"What?" He asks, not hearing a word his friend uttered, his mind still in another world.

"I said, you've been acting off lately. Not to mention you've been staring at the clock for the past thirty minutes." James murmured, pointing to the clock above them. He had been analyzing his friend's behavior as soon as he noticed how different he was acting. "And I'm no mind reader, but the last time you were this nervous was over Marlene McKinnon. So, who's the lucky girl this time?"

"Oh no no. It's not about a girl, it's just these bloody exams that are making me kind of nervous, that's all." He lied, but James knew that already.

The Potter boy chuckled at his friend's response. "You? Nervous over an exam? C'mon, what's the real reason Black?"

"I-, I'm telling the truth Potter!" He lied again, this time with a stutter, not even sounding convincing enough for James to let it go.

"You're hiding something."

"I'm not." Black insisted, his eyes skimming through a potion's book. "Can we please just focus on this book in front of us? I-"

"That's it! It's the book!" James interrupted before Sirius could finish his sentence, his loud whispering getting the attention of the other students around the library.

He lowered his voice and got closer to Sirius when he realized the looks he was getting from afar. "The book! It all makes sense. You acting all strange and then this book shows up out of the blue." He explained, pointing to the book that everyone at Hogwarts had their hands on. "I should've put two and two together when I saw the word padfoot."

Sirius couldn't help but chuckle, the nervousness in his laugh being evident. "What? Me? That's crazy. I didn't write that dumb book."

"Aha!" James yelled, making Sirius flinch slightly.

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