010. bad reputation

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bad reputation / chapter ten

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bad reputation / chapter ten

AS SOON AS class came to an end, Daphne put her textbooks away and headed to the door, only to be stopped by Regulus Black.

"Hey, can we talk?"

"Huh?" Daphne stood there confused as Regulus held a grip of her arm. "I don't have time for this, Black."

She began to walk away until the boy muttered a name that caught her attention.

"It's about James Potter."

He had said it loud enough for two of their classmates that were walking away to hear.

"Can you be any louder?!" She hit him with one of her textbooks, which earned an 'ouch' from Regulus.

"I see you haven't changed a bit." He shook her head, rubbing where she had hit him.

Daphne scoffed at his words. Regulus had always been one cocky son of a gun, not to mention a liar. "You're one to talk."

"Weren't you the one who used me for homework answers?" She ironically asked, already knowing the answer to that question. "Or, didn't you also say you had a crush on me since second year? Or did I make that up too!?"

"Yeah, I think you just made that up." He calmly nodded, knowing exactly how to get under her skin.

"Ugh!" She walked away once again, this time fast enough for Regulus to be able to utter another word.

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SILAS WAS JEALOUS, that was no secret — or maybe it was. He had always been protective of his best friend, Daphne, ever since their friendship had bloomed. When it came to boys getting her attention, he always made sure there weren't any ill-intentions.

When he found about Regulus, it didn't take Silas long to find him and giving throw in a few punches. Regulus never said a word about it because Silas threatened to expose him for other stuff he had digged up about his past. That was one thing Silas never failed at getting right.

But of course Daphne never found out about it, another thing Silas was good at. Keeping secrets from her. He mostly felt guilty about it but always ended up telling himself that it was all for the best.

Needless to say, when he found out that Regulus Black tried sparking conversation with her — he couldn't help but feel anger flowing through him.

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