Pickle was Crusher's best friend

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Blaze loved his boyfriend and he loved the little things he does. He loved how his nose would wrinkle when he got frustrated with his own work, he loved the little sparkles he had when the moon was clear and bright, and he loved how he slightly blushes when he compliments him.

He loved those little things. But there are little things he noticed that even his boyfriend doesn't know.

Crusher would grip on the hem of his sleeve when he's nervous or angry. He'd pout when his ice cream melts and touches his fingers. And he'd have a puppy-like attitude when Pickle was with them.

Pickle was Crusher's best friend ever since they were little and Blaze never minded when they would bump into Pickle during a date and how Crusher would insist he tags along with them.

Pickle was fun to hang out with and Blaze often goes to him when he was trying to court Crusher. Pickle always wore a smile and gave the best to his best friend. And the time he spent with Pickle was great. But Blaze couldn't help but see the distant and sad look Pickle had whenever the group and him, or even just the three of them, go and hang out. That look of longing Blaze knew all too well.

Blaze and Crusher were eating dinner at their kitchen table and Blaze was oddly silent. Crusher asked, "something bothering you?"

Blaze looked at him and opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it again. Crusher waited until Blaze could finally string words into his mouth.

"What do you think about being a throuple?"



Crusher: *chokes what he was eating*

Blaze: Crusher are you ok--

Crusher: What the frick, Blaze?

Blaze: So, is that a--


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