"Oh, what, this? Pfft. It's nothing."

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"Alright! It's ready!" Crusher announced as he got the remote to his latest machine ready.

His latest invention, the rainbow water splasher, which is basically a sprinkler that sprinkles rainbow water for kids to play with. It was his newest invention, and one he was excited to try out with Pickle once he's finished.

He pushed the "on" button on the remote and the RWS was beginning to spin. Then stopped. Crusher was confused. It was supposed to work. He made sure it was filled and the water lines are connected. So, what went wrong--

Without warning, the RWS began spinning faster than it was supposed to do. And instead of water, it was spraying paint.

"GAH!" Crusher screamed as he flipped the nearest table to take cover. He was pressing the button furiously, trying to make the dang thing stopped. And a few seconds later, the RWS stopped.

By now, the whole room was covered in paint and Crusher was a mixture of different colors of all kinds.

Crusher fumed in frustration, resulting in him kicking the nearest thing his foot could reach, which was the metal leg of the table he was hiding behind. It was metal and it hurt.

"FRICK!" Crusher called as he withdrew his foot and began hopping on the uninjured one.

A knock resounded the door and the door opened to Blaze who had a huge grin on his face. He looked around the room and his grin faltered when he saw his blue-haired boyfriend clutching his foot while the other jumps up and down in frustration. Blaze huffed a laugh and made his way to Crusher.

"Hey, Crusher. What happened here?" Blaze asked, once again, looking all over the multi-painted room.

Crusher huffed in annoyance, wondering how long he was there standing and watching as he made a fool of himself. Crusher leaned on the wall and tried to act cool, wincing as he put his injured foot down. "Just, you know... Another failed invention..." Crusher grumbled.

Blaze chuckled. It was cute seeing Crusher like this but his amusement turned into a concern once he saw Crusher wincing as he tried avoiding putting weight on his other leg where his foot was.

"Aand... What happened to your foot?" Blaze asked.

"Oh, what, this?" Crusher pointed down, playing nonchalantly. "Pfft," he waved. "It's nothing."

"... We should let Gabby check on that," Blaze suggested.

"What," Crusher turned to him in an instant. He waved his hands and shook his head, all the while chorusing, "no." "I'm fine," he insisted, "really."

Blaze rolled his eyes, and without much trouble, picked the blue boy up from the floor. From the sudden action, Crusher yelped and held onto the first thing he could to avoid the risk of falling, which was apparently Blaze's neck.

Crusher blushed when he noticed how close he was to Blaze's face. He could feel his breath near his face and those pink shiny lips are just tempting him to kiss this beautiful specimen of a man.

Blaze chuckled, seeing the flustered look of the other boy. They had been dating for what? 9 months? And it still amuses Blaze how Crusher still gets flustered over the small things Blaze has done for him.

Crusher blushed harder at the sound of Blaze's laugh, and in embarrassment, hid his face below Blaze's neck where he couldn't see the tomato he had become.

Blaze carried him out so he could be treated by Gabby. 



Gabby: *working on normal stuff*

Blaze: *enters with Crusher in his arms*

Gabby: Again with the romantic entrance! Have mercy for the singles!

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