Prolouge: Nightmares and Abandonment

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Author note: Okay here is the information about this alternate reality. Nightwing is a girl name Riley Mary Grayson. Riley is 16 years old and still Robin, for the time being! Jason was adopted by Batman and became Red Robin, he was killed by the joker like in the comics, Tim was made protégé of the Batman and replaced Jason as Red Robin. Jason came back to life, became Red Hood, and was going to do everything you saw in Batman: Under The Red Hood but his older sister Riley convinced him not to live like this,he later joined Batman, Robin and Red Robin as Red Hood. A year later Damian arrives but at the moment Batman is training him so he doesn't fight crime. Though you can probably guess what happens when Riley leaves. Okay here are the ages and then we'll get started! Hope you enjoy! :)
Bruce Wayne: 39
Riley Grayson-Wayne: 16
Jason Todd-Wayne: 15
Timothy Drake: 13
Damian Wayne: 9
On with the story!!

Jason found her too late. Just like she did to him. She was now not as innocent as a 16 year old girl should be, she felt dirty inside. And was shaking nonstop, but it did certainly help when Jason hugged her close. She buried her face into the crook of her brother's neck. Quietly crying as Jason took out his mobile and frantically called what she assumed was Bruce. Jason was practically shouting into his phone and she could hear Bruce on the other end, shouting back. "I don't know what's wrong with her. I just found her at the back of the school shakin' like crazy!! I don't think she's hurt but she won't talk to me. What should I do?" "Bring her home, Jason. Whatever's wrong, she might feel more comfortable in familiar surroundings and talk to us about what's bugging her." Riley let out a tiny yelp when Jason's strong arms lifted her off the ground and he set off running. Jason was running so fast that when he turned the corner he collided with Tim and Demon-Spawn, (I love Damian but I love the nickname too!) sending them sprawling onto the grass. Damian was the first up, intent on giving out to Jason when he noticed his favoured sibling held bridal style in his arms. "Grayson?.......Riley?" But couldn't say anymore as Jason had once again started running, though after a few seconds, he had two followers.

They stopped at the nearest Zeta-Tube and were soon in the Batcave. Bruce was already there. His face read pure worry as he took Riley from the younger's arms.
They talked to her for hours, trying to get her to say at least one word. But there're efforts were in vain..... And the next morning she woke as if nothing ever happened, changing the subject everytime someone brought it up.

She pretended to be happy all the time, so no one would delve in what happened on that day, but when she got even a minute to herself, she would cry, scared and paranoid. And she now had an almost unsolvable case of insomnia. Life sucked.

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