Just Us

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"So where are we going?" Mina asks, "You still haven't told me."

"We're going to get something to eat and then I'll take you somewhere else." I say.

"But where?"

"Have you ever been to the Han River?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "No, I've only driven past it on the road. It looks really nice though."

"Well then this will be your first time."
Our first date and I thought it would be fun to get dinner somewhere and then walk along the Han River at night. She's never done it before so that's even better.

She let me hold her hand again. This was starting to become a normal thing with us now.

I don't think I can call her my girlfriend just yet, but we're in that phase where we're not dating, but we're not open for relationships with other people. We're headed in the direction of a relationship together, but we're not quite there yet.

We took the bus together to a restaurant near the river. After dinner, we walked there as the sun was setting, already halfway down.

"I didn't think it would be this cold." She says wrapping her arms around herself.

I was wearing a jacket over my hoodie so I offered it to her.

"Here. I'm not that cold." I take off my jacket and start to put it around her.

"No, it's okay Tae, really." She doesn't want to accept it.

"Come on, I insist. You're shivering."

I knew she didn't want to accept it because she wanted to be nice, but this is what happens when we're both too nice to let the other do anything for them.

She puts my jacket on and I laugh a little bit. It was so big on her. It was cute.

"What? What's so funny?" She asks.

"Nothing, nothing." I smile to myself, linking our arms and pulling her closer to keep us warm.

By the time we got to the bottom of the bridge, the sun was already down and the street lights were on.

"Do you do this often?" She asks as we start making our way over the bridge.

"Not really." I say, "I did this once with my family when I was a kid and once with the guys about a year ago. Never at night though."

"I remember driving past here when Momo, Sana and I first got here. I thought it was so cool." She smiles, "Everything here was so new to me then."

"Why did you guys come to Korea? I don't think you've ever told me."

"Ah, well there are some programs here at school that we don't have in Japan. It was mostly Sana's suggestion, but I also wanted to go and try new things." She explains, "It took us about a year to actually make it happen."

"Wow. You waited a long time to get here then, huh?"

"Yeah," She smiles at me, "But it was worth it. It's pretty great here."

We keep walking until we make it to the center of the bridge. There, we stopped to admire the view. Well, she admired the view of the water. I was busy admiring her.

The way her hair flows in the wind. How the light reflected in the water reflects back into her eyes, making them glimmer. The lights from the cars driving by on the bridge would shine on us every now and then.  This view from the bridge is almost as breathtaking as her.

"How'd you come to be such a romantic guy, Taehyung?" She suddenly asks me.

"I wasn't always like this." I admit, "I just met the right person."

"What made you choose me, Tae?" She keeps looking straight ahead across the water.

"A number of things actually." I say, looking over the water with her.

"Like what?"

"Like how you made my heart jump the first time I saw you. When I got to know you more, I just found more things to like about you." I turn back to her, "What about you? Why me?"

She laughs softly, "Honestly, I was kind of scared of you at first. You were very intimidating, but like you said, the more I got to know you, the more I got to like you. You were such a good friend to me when we barely even met and I thought you were pretty cute."

"Cute? You thought I was cute?"

"Yeah. You're cute."

"You went from thinking I'm intimidating to thinking I'm cute?"

"Is there a problem with that..?"

I chuckle, "No, I just find it funny."

"Why? You're not used to people calling you cute?"

I shrug, "Not to my face like that, but I guess that's what makes you different."

She sighs and leans her head on my shoulder.

"You make me feel things I can't describe and it drives me crazy." She says.

"So I drive you crazy?"

"In a way."

She looks back over her shoulder and sighs, "Ah, my feet hurt. We're gonna have to walk all the way back to go home, huh?"

We had already walked two kilometers to get up here so that means we're going to have to walk two kilometers back to get home.

I get an idea.

"Here. I'll carry you." I kneel down so she can climb onto my back.

"No, Tae, it's a long walk. You already gave me your jacket too."

"I don't mind, really. I have so much energy right now anyways, this will be like nothing. Come on."

She reluctantly gets on and I stand to hoist her up, holding her beneath her knees. This must have surprised her because her grip on my shoulders got tighter as I did so.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. And you?"

"I feel great! Let's go!" I start walking fast.

"Taehyung-ah, please be careful." She says.

"I will, I will."

I felt like I could run since she was so light, but I didn't want to scare her or risk tripping and falling and hurting both of us. I had been walking for about ten minutes now and I could see the end of the bridge.

"What's the view like up there?" I ask.

"It's very nice, but you can put me down now, I can walk-"

"Yeah, but we're almost there! I can't quit now."

She leans forward over my shoulder so our faces were right next to each other.

"Did you have fun on our date?" I ask.

"Mhm." She nods, "Thanks for taking me out."

"Of course. I hope we can do it again sometime."

To my surprise, she kisses my cheek right as we reach the end of the bridge and she hops down from my back.

I dropped her off back home since her place was along the way to mine. I stood on the bus by the door as she got off.

"Oh, here's your jacket back." She starts to take it off, but I stop her.

"Keep it. It looks better on you."

She smiles, "Good night, Taehyung."

"Good night, Mina." The bus door shuts and we start driving again.

We watched each other through the glass until we couldn't see each other anymore. What a day.

I'd say our first date was a success.

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