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I woke up early this morning, I could barely sleep the night before. I was too excited.

Today the school is having a club festival, so all the clubs are going to set up booths or classrooms for some fun activities. Most clubs are selling food or drinks, some are setting up games and other carnival-like experiences.

I'm part of our school's male dance club so we're setting up a booth to sell snacks and busk. Jimin and Hobi are in the club too so we'll be together for most of the day.

Clubs usually wear matching shirts or outfits for the occasion and my club somehow decided on blue track suits. This was one of the few days of the year where we could show up to school wearing something other than our uniforms. We still had to wear our name tags though.

Mina's a part of the community service club so they're going to have a booth selling boba. She told me they wanted to do a simple concept for their outfits so they're just going to wear different colored hoodies.

We had to report to our homerooms first to check in and then everyone went to the gym to watch some club performances and listen to the headmaster give the opening speech.

After that, we were free to explore the festival and have fun. My club mates and I took turns watching the booth and dancing while the others explored the festivities. I wanted my turn to be last so I could end the day with the most fun.

Jimin, Hobi, and I were a group together. When it was our turn to dance, we drew in a crowd. Hobi-hyung just started freestyling and he caught everyone's attention. He switches off with Jimin, who changes up the style. People were impressed. I had to bring the energy when it was my turn.

Jimin hands it off to me and I don't hold back. I just let the rhythm carry me. I hit every beat. I felt pumped hearing Jimin and Hobi cheering me on. The crowd had gotten bigger now and we were reaching the end of the song. I signal for Jimin and Hobi to come dance with me so we could finish the song together.

Everyone loved it. In the cheering crowd, I spotted the rest of the guys. It was hard to miss them when they were the ones cheering the loudest.

The three of us sat down for a bit to cool off and drink some water. After this, we could walk around the festival and have some more fun before the end of the day. Jimin and Hobi were still resting, but I wanted to get started.

"I'm gonna look around. I'll find you guys later." I say.

"Okay. We'll see you then."

I went looking for the community service club's booth so I could find Mina. I haven't seen her all day. I texted her, but she didn't reply. She must be busy.

I finally found the booth near the main entrance staircase. From a distance, I saw Mina working inside, selling the drinks. Has she been working all day?

I wait in line at the booth to buy some from them.

"Hi, what can I get you?" She asks, barely looking up. She didn't even realize it was me until she heard my voice.

"Can I get one melon milk tea and one matcha milk tea please?"

Her face immediately lights up when she sees me.

"Sure thing." She takes the money from my hand, "One second."

She turns back around with the two drinks in her hands.

"One melon and one matcha. Here you go,"

"Thank you." I take both drinks, but then hand the matcha one back to her.

She looked a bit lost.

"It's for you." I say, "Who else would it be for?"

She smiles, "Thanks."

"Have you been working all day? Is it alright if I steal you for a bit?" I ask.

She turns to tell her club mate before stepping out of the booth.

"Gosh, I haven't seen you all day." She sighs.

"Tell me about it." I say,"The festival's almost over already."

We find a shady spot under a tree to sit and drink our boba. We were in a spot away from the main area and the rest of the crowd. It was quiet over here. She leans on me as I sip on my drink.

I just realized, she was wearing my hoodie. The one I gave her before we went on that shopping date.

"Is that my hoodie?" I ask.

She laughs, "Yeah, it is. Sorry, do you want it back?"

"No, no. It's okay. I just forgot I gave it to you."

"It still kind of smells like you." She says.

I chuckle, "Maybe give it back to me once it starts smelling like you. We can take turns."

She smiles, "You're so cute."

I put my arm around her and pull her closer, "I could say the same thing about you."

She leans, her face pointed up at me, our noses slightly touching. Her hands go up to my shoulders, holding me there.

"I love you." I say like I couldn't help myself.

"And I love you." She responds with a kiss on my cheek.

We are all alone, so I basically forgot we were still at school.

I couldn't stop myself from going further and kissing her. I felt like I was floating. Her soft lips felt perfect on mine.

When we pull apart, she keeps her arms around my neck, keeping us close and our foreheads touching.

She laughs softly, "Never thought we'd do that at school."

"Well, today's probably our only chance." I say, going in for another kiss.

This one felt different. It was still soft, but it was deep this time. I couldn't get enough.

We were interrupted but the sound of the bell. The school day was over.

She pulls away, slightly blushing.

"We should go help clean up." She says.

"Y-yeah." I clear my throat, "So...wanna hangout afterwards?"

She smiles and nods, "I'd love to."

She quickly kisses me one last time before starting off, "I'll see you then."

This was the last high school festival I'm ever going to experience. Previous years, I've had tons of fun, but this year was a different kind of fun. I've changed so much since then. My life has too.

Everything changed once she came into my life.

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