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"Are you sure you have everything? Did you pack your toothbrush? Pajamas?"

"Yes, yes. I made sure not to forget."

"Alright. Take lots of pictures for us and make good decisions, okay?"

"I will."

It was pretty early in the morning. I had packed the night before and now my mom was waiting with me by the front door for Jin's dad to pick me up.

There were about ten of us going on this trip so we all helped pay for transportation and lodging. Jin's parents have two SUVs so they volunteered to drive us up there and stay with us. Jin texted me and said they just picked up Nayeon, Jungkook, Sana, and Mina and they're heading to my place now.

The sun was just starting to come up. It had snowed here for the past few days so I can only imagine how much snow the ski resort got.

The car pulls up to the house and Jin gets out of the passenger seat.

"Sorry, Taehyung. You're gonna have to sit in the back." He says, helping me with my bags.

"That's okay." We load my bags into the trunk before I get in.

Jin was sitting in the front with his dad. In the middle row was Jungkook, Sana, and Nayeon. That left me and Mina in the back. The back seats were the least spacious, but I didn't mind too much.

"Alright, let's go!"

We were all excited to get going, but the drive was pretty long. I was getting sleepy not even an hour into the trip.

My legs were starting to hurt being cramped in the back seat, so I try to shift around a bit.

"You okay?" Mina asks.

"Yeah, just trying to stay comfortable."

I stare out the window, trying to pass the time, watching as we leave Seoul.

I feel Mina hug my arm and rest her head on my shoulder. I let myself relax and lean back. Now we're both leaning on each other.

She takes one of her earbuds and offers it to me.

"This is my favorite song." She says.

I take it and put it in my ear to hear what she was talking about.

It was a calm, soft song. Just the kind of music I imagined she listened to. She fell asleep after a while. The windows of the car start to fog up as we drive up the mountain. I put my arm around her, holding her so she wouldn't shake around so much because of the bumpy ride.

"Yah, Taehyung, are you guys okay back there?" Jin calls from the front, but he stops as soon as he sees us.

"Sorry..!" He whispers, "Do you want some snacks?"

I nod and whisper back, "Thanks, hyung."

Jin's dad pulls into a rest stop when we have about half an hour left to go.

Mina opens her eyes when she realizes we've stopped moving.

"Are we here..?" She asks, still half asleep.

"Not yet." I say, "We stopped at a rest stop if you want to stretch your legs for a bit."

We all got out of the car to stretch and look around for a little bit. The snow was amazing. No matter how far you looked down, all you could see was white all along the mountain.

"Ah, I can't wait to ski and snowboard and play in the snow." Jungkook says.

"It's gonna be so much fun." Jin adds.

Mina, Nayeon, and Sana we're busy taking pictures with the view. The rest of our friends were ahead of us on the drive. They didn't make many stops so they're probably going to arrive before us.

"Taehyung-ah, come here." Mina calls me.

"What? Do you need something?" I ask.

"I just wanted to take a picture together."

"Ah, okay."

She holds out her phone to take a picture of us. I had to lean down a little just to fit both of us in the frame. She takes one photo and was about to put her phone down until I said something.

"Wait, take another one." I say.

"Another one? Okay." She shrugs.

But I had a plan.

She holds the phone up again and counts down, "One, two, three-!"

On the count of three, I swiftly turned and kissed her on the cheek just as she clicked the camera.

I smirk as she looks at me, surprised.

She puts her phone away, "You can't just leave it at that."


Before I could say anything, she pulls me back in for a real kiss this time.

She lets me go and looks me in the eye, "You're not the only one with tricks."

She leaves me speechless to go back to the car, but I follow, since we're sitting next to each other anyways.

Jin's dad turned up the radio and tuned into a station playing Christmas music. Christmas is next week, which means my birthday is in about two and then the year will be over.

This got me thinking. We'll be graduating soon. I don't want high school to be over yet. I feel like it just started. I haven't really thought about what I'm going to do in the future, and to be honest, it scares me. I don't like thinking about the future so I just focus the things happening right now.

We'll have to take college entrance exams soon too. But that's later. Right now, it's Christmas time. I shouldn't be stressed.

I should be enjoying this time with my friends. I know some day we'll look back on these days and relive the memories.

We finally approach the ski resort. It was a lot bigger than I expected. All of us stares out the window as we got closer.

"Wah..! Look at those slopes! I wanna try all of them!" Jungkook exclaims.

"How 'bout you learn how to ride first, Jungkook?" Jin laughs.

"Make sure Jungkook wears his helmet." Jin's dad joins in.

"You'll be staying with us, right Mr. Kim?" Sana asks.

"Just to supervise." He says.

Our other friends were already there, waiting for us.

I smile to myself.

This is gonna be fun.

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