Chapter 1: seen

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Pov: Callor


I heard my alarm clock go off as if it was a bomb timer and immediately groaned. 

<"Another day of school I guess">

I lifted my navy blue sheets off my body and slowly got up. I yawned as I closed my eyes and small teardrops became to form from my blurred vision. The room felt cold, more cold than yesterday, but at the time I didn't notice. My mind had drifted off and went back to him...

Sage, he was absolutely perfect. Too perfect to the point I believed he was real. He never really friendzoned me ever, but I only assumed he would never think of me any different than just a friend. Maybe it's for the best, I never want to make our relationship awkward or distant for some stupid feelings. Anyway, I finally get out of bed after stretching and quietly falling half asleep for a good 5 minutes.

I obviously shower and get dressed, but turns out I took too long and am already late for school. I hurry down the stairs (almost tripping on a toy my little brother left out) and get to the kitchen. To my left and I see my dad washing the dishes.

"Hey Skipper! Pretty nice dream you had for you to sleep in, huh?" 

I almost blush from embarrassment, but brush it off quickly. As we say our greetings and goodbyes, I head out the front door to hop on my bike. Wind is all I hear since I'm pretty sure I'm going atleast 200 mph, but I don't care. My only goal for today is

             <"To be seen by him">

A/N: this story is absolutely satire and literally no effort, its also my first story to please make fun if it as much as you can

P.s. <"..."> means their inner thoughts :D

"> means their inner thoughts :D

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