Chapter 11

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After my pity party, I call the only one I thought would help, Angel.

"Hey kid, calling in the middle of the day, what's up?"

"Sorry to bother you, I know you're at work." I tried not to sniff too loud. I didn't want her to feel sorry for me and think I could not handle college. I think I was doing well, I just needed to continue to be me...and not think about guys, or girls and dating and especially linking up.

"You know you are no bother, any time of the day, any day."

"I miss you guys. I miss you and Dad. I miss AJ. I even miss Symone and her stinky attitude." My bratty sister was the worse, but when she was in a good mood, she was a cool kid.

"I know something going on if you miss Ms. Monster. Do you know she colored her hair pink? I can't with her. I let your father and her mother deal with her."

I laughed because that sounded like my little sister. One, she always hated her hair. Two, she always was a free spirit. I respected her for that. She said whatever was on her mind, and did whatever she liked. Being fourteen didn't help her cause a lot.

I wish I had some of her spunk.

"Rave, you can tell me anything. And if it's something you don't want me to tell your father, I won't."

"I know."

"Need anything? Money? Clothes? Food...maybe not mine, your father's food."

I laughed at that. Angel always talked about her cooking, but it was fine to me. No, it was not my father's or my granny's. Better than my mother for sure.

And Angel asked me if I needed money when she knew I was still sitting on all that trust fund money. It was for college, and that included anything I needed while in college. I would never ask my father or stepmother for money while I had that. They didn't tell me, but I was sure Angel set up the same for Symone. If that little runt wanted to go to college.

"No, step mummy, I don't need anything, just wanted to talk."

"You have another class later today, right? Classes okay?"


"So...this must be about a boy."

I let out a sigh. Angel was a genius, she was. Or else she ran through the list of everything else it could be.

"Umm...or maybe a girl," I said to her.

"Oh, I see."

"Do you think I'm gay? Am I gay? Maybe I'm gay."

"You know your father and I would not care, we want you to be happy."

"Of course, of course."

"Any girl in particular? Tell me about her."

I smiled thinking of Gay. Funny that her name was Gay. Were her parents trying to make a joke when they named her that? I would have to ask her the next time I saw her.

"She's so cool mom. Just confident about herself, her body, so carefree. Pretty. I wish I was more like her than the klutz I am." I had to fight back tears and not break down on Angel, telling her how I made a fool of myself today. I'm sure she would be nice and sweet if I told her what happened, but I had to figure this out on my own.

"You called me mom?"

I slapped my hand on my forehead. I did. I realized it, and I didn't care. With my strained relationship with my mother over the years, I always felt like Angel was more my mom. I know that hurt my mother, who hated Angel. My mother called Angel "that siddity bitch" because she grew up in an affluent neighborhood in St. Louis, versus my mother being from a rougher neighborhood and growing up with little.

I loved my mother, I did, but I could only take her in doses. Small doses.

"Is that okay?"

"I'm honored, for sure. That little girl I first met when she was twelve...till this young lady just...night and day."

Angel was crying. It made me feel good that Angel was emotional over a simple word. I would have called her that sooner, but I didn't think she would like it. 

But just like that, I instantly felt better talking with her. I had not even told her what happened. I was over it. I looked down at my messy clothes and now bed. Everything would be fine.

"I will let you get back to work. I have to...change and get ready for my next class. I love you!"

"Love you too!"

I stripped my clothes, took a shower, and felt like I was starting my day all over. The second week of school, the second mishap, but my world was not over. I was still Rayvn Nicole Lawrence and I could do anything I set my mind to.

Fresh dressed again in my favorite color, I grabbed a granola bar since I missed lunch, and that would be it today. I left my room and took the stairs down. I still had about forty-five minutes till my class, but I needed some fresh air, and walking always helped with that.

I checked my phone, there was a text from a number I did not recognize.

This is Gay

I stopped walking, mid chew on my granola bar. How did she get my number? Was I supposed to text her back? How bold of her to text me without me saying it was okay.


I wonder if my nervousness was felt in the text.

Want to hang out later?


Cool. I can meet up in your room


Okay, I was a bumbling idiot for sure. What was I going to say to her in person if I could not even say more than one word to her in a text?

The rest of the day could not go any faster. All I wanted to do was get to the part of my day where I could see Gay. What could I say to her? I already saw her naked!

I showered yet again because I wanted to smell fresh. I was wrapped in my towel, playing in my now frizzy hair. I looked like Scary Spice, and not in a good way. Hair all over the place. My hair was natural, and I flatiron it to get it straight. Well, too much moisture and well...stick my finger in a light socket hair.

I let out a scream. My roommates were nowhere to be found, so at least they did not think I was a nutjob.

The best I could do was pull it back into a bun. Simple, but I slicked down some baby hairs to at least make it like I tried to look low-key anyway.

I changed into shorts and a tank top. Made it look like I was lounging out just as there was a knock on my door.

It was her.


"Thanks for inviting me over."


Okay, snap out of it Rayvn! Hot girl, but don't be an idiot.

A/N: Rayvn and Angel have come a long way! How do you think Rayvn is doing so far in college?

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