Chapter 49

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I was no longer confused about my feelings for Todd. He was smart, he was funny, but he was also creepy.

The fact that he lied about having a girlfriend as if that would impress me. That was off to me. And if he liked me, why play a game? I could not be with someone that would do something like that because that only meant they would continue to play games with me.

Yes, big revelation for me.

I did not need a boyfriend just to say I had a boyfriend. It did not define who I was. Maybe when I was ready, it would happen. I was not the type of girl that would just link up and have casual sex with a guy. I wanted the real deal. I wanted what my father and Angel had and I would take no less.

Screw kissing a couple of frogs before I found the one. I could have warts by then.

"I agree with you!" Gay said when she was hanging out in my suite.

Gay was loathing her roommate more each day and rarely stayed in her room. She crashed at my place a lot or if she had a link up, she crashed with that person. It was an awful way to live.

"I'm glad you are understanding how this all works," Gay said to me while we painted our toenails, watched a crappy Netflix movie, and chilled. Both my roommates were gone away for the weekend and that left me quiet time to myself. "You don't have to be like anyone else or do what everyone else does. I know you liked my brother, but you learned a valuable lesson."

"What? Nobody is perfect. Yeah, I figured that out."

"And a pretty face is nothing but heartache."

I laughed at her. "Yourself included?"

"What? Am I a pretty face? No, I'm just a regular degular girl. My brother...somehow girls think he is so hot or something. It's annoying he's the pretty one and I'm"

Was she nuts? I thought she was drop-dead gorgeous, but what did I know. She did not see herself as I saw her...the way other girls saw her. Normally I would be intimidated by a girl that pretty, but after I got to know her, she was so down to earth. I could not wait to be roomies with her.

"If you're regular, I'm butt ugly!" I said then laughed.

"Girllll, you must be all that you caught my brother...had me interested, now have this boy stalking after you. What's his name again? Todd?"


"You want me to say something to the creep?"

"No!" I quickly stated. "He's still my friend, I just don't want to date him. I hope he gets the picture."

"You can't be friends with a guy that is attracted to you."

"Yes I can! I'm friends with King, and when I told him I was going out with Diallo, he was cool with that and we're friends. He hasn't tried anything."

"Mmm-hmmm, how does he feel now that you're single again?"

"Actually...I haven't told him."

"And why not?"

The same reason why I lied to Todd. "I don't know."

"You want to explore your options?"

I shrugged. "No. I don't want to do anything. Anyway, can we not talk about boys?"

"Or girls?" Gay giggled at her. "Because do you know how many girls are on my team here? I can catch way more girls than guys. In fact, I may give up on men. They are a lost cause."

I would not say I was going that far.

We talked all night and then Gay slept out on the sofa. I told her to go into one of my suitemates' rooms, but she did not want to piss them off anymore.

Once I was comfy in my bed, I held my phone in my hand and planned on watching TikToks till I fell asleep. That's when I saw a text message from my mother.

I let out a breath before I opened it.

Tell your daddy I need some more money

This was not my father's responsibility! Why could she not understand that? And if she wanted to harass my father for money, and he would keep giving it to her, then she could ask him directly. Why was I in the middle?

I could just give her the money. Or my father could keep giving her the money and she would never stop taking from him. It's not fair! My father paid child support for Symone still, plus he had another kid and one on the way. He was married and he helped Angel pay bills, why did he have to help her my mother?

I was not going to let her continue to do this to me, nor my father.

No. My father does not owe you any more money. I asked him to give you some the last time, but I won't ask him again.

There! Well, I am sure this was not the last of it. And sure enough, my mother text me right back.

He owes me, for taking care of your ass for eighteen years

He took care of me for eighteen years. Now I take care of myself

I know they are giving you money, just send me that

I can't, it's for school

My mother did not need to know I had more than enough. Neither my father nor Angel paid my college expenses. The trust fund paid for everything. I wasn't even sure how or why Angel set it up for me, but I was so thankful for it. The way Mizzou was running through my funds in my first semester, I did not want to go out on a shopping or spending spree just because money was there. And I wanted to do at least one fun thing with it like go on a trip or something.

You would rather your brother and I go hungry?

I rolled my eyes at that. She was not going to use the money for food. If that were the case, I would have my uncle drop by for more food for them. My grandmother worked, and my mother worked, why was there not enough food in the house?

I don't have any money to give you. It's finals week next week and I will be home after that.

Home? Here?

No way, I thought to myself. I did not consider that home anymore. My home was with my daddy and Angel.

With my father. Symone's coming and she is going to stay with us for two weeks too.

What did I ever do for you to treat me like this? Just abandon me.

I felt sorry for my mother. Maybe she needed a good man in her life, and not hook up with the losers she always seemed to find. I was not her friend, I was her daughter, and her attitude pushed me away from her.

I loved my mother. I wanted her to have a great life, but what could I do to help her?

Give her the money.

Mom, if you can wait till when I get home for break, I can get you some money

And this was going to be the last time. For sure. I would call it my Christmas present to her, but that was it.

A/N: Will Rayvn ever stop falling for her mother's tricks? She has the money, so does her father, but should either of them continue to support her?

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