Chapter One

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Vi's back sat against a rough, jagged wall. A cigarette dangled from her fingertips and the cold bit into her skin. She was late. And Vi was losing her patience waiting.

The click of heels reached Vi's ears faintly. 'Fucking finally,' Vi snarled in her thoughts taking a last drag of her cigarette and putting it out on the ground next to her.  A hat came into her field of vision, lit while the rest of the figure was encased in shadow. Blue eyes and pale skin, framed by dark silky hair sat under its brim.

"You're late," Vi spoke bluntly.

"You should show some patience. Otherwise, it's unbecoming." The women said in reply. Her voice had the distinct accent of the posh Piltover citizens. The ones Vi rarely saw unless she was picking their pockets.

"Look cupcake, I'm not entirely sure how things go topside, but I don't like waiting." Vi's lip curled into a silent snarl.

"And yet you did. What business do you have for me, brawler? Don't tell me you asked me to meet you down here for nothing of importance." The clear eyes that stood out above the shadow narrowed and disapproval to her surroundings was clear.

"I have information for you. For a price of course." Vi told her stepping closer to the women. Her dark eyebrow raised inquisitively.

"What information could you give me that any of my fellow officers can not?" At the words Vi got closer, so close she noticed pale freckles on the womens' cheeks despite the darkness.

"I know where Jinx is, and where she's hitting next," Vi said leaning closer to the sheriffs' face. A pink-tinted her cheeks at the closeness of Vi's face to hers. A smirk came to Vi's lips at the officer's flusteredness. She pulled herself away and lit another cigarette, leaning her upper body against the wall.

"Come into the light cupcake, I won't bite... Caitlyn." A small gasp escape Caitlyn's lips as her name fell from Vi's.

"You know who I am?" Caitlyn asked stepping out of the shadows that hid most of her.

"You think I'd make a deal with someone I didn't? Come on Princess you're smarter than that." Vi spoke as she exhaled the smoke from the drag she took. The smoke drifted in Caitlyn's direction and her nose curled at the smell.

"Don't smoke? Figures." Vi huffed at Caitlyn's reaction.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Caitlyn asked her.

"Look cupcake, either you pay and get the info about Jinx, or we've wasted both of our times and you should get your little self back topside before you get robbed or worse. The Undercity will eat you alive. What's it goin' to be?" Vi said taking another drag of her cigarette and watching Caitlyn with curious eyes. Vi wondered what choice the dark-haired beauty would make. Caitlyns eyes went distant, her senses filled with the smell of burning flesh, hair, and the tent where it happened, where Jinx murdered her fellow officers and Caitlyn herself was caught in the blast. Caitlyn's knees went weak and she trembled before her legs gave out. Vi caught her before she fell.

"Woah there," Vi said holding Caitlyns arm with one hand while her other arm instinctively, working from muscle memory, went around the shorter girl's waist to support her weight. 

Caitlyns eyes cleared, the smoke and fire of the memory fading back and leaving her to see the present. And feel a strong arm braced securely around her mid-drift, helping to keep her standing.  Caitlyn's eyes widen and caught a glimpse of the pink hair that belonged to Vi and she realized suddenly how close they were.

"I'm fine now- just a bad memory..." Caitlyn said flustered not meeting Vi's eye. She saw Vi nod from the corner of her eye and Vi's hand released the gentle hold it had on Caitlyns arm. Her arm unwrapped itself from Caitlyn's waist and rested at her own side. Caitlyn's skin bristled at the missing warmth.

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