Chapter Three

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The lock clicked as it unlocked and Vi leaned closer to get a clearer view of the one holding the chains around Caitlyn's neck together.

"Well? Are you just going to ignore what I said?" Caitlyn asked Vi as the latter focused on the lock holding Caitlyn in place.

"Is this really the time you want to talk about this? Your neck is chained to a wall and we were just kidnapped." Vi deadpanned as a way to deflect the questions.

"Considering you're picking the lock off my neck with tools similar to the ones in that... place, you're living in, yes. I want you to stay with me. I have a spare room that is empty and plenty of room. Consider it part of our deal for the information and capture of Jinx. It will help to be close when working together." Caitlyn reasoned with the pink-haired woman in front of her. She shivered when Vi's fingers grazed gently against her neck.

'That reaction wasn't from fear.' Vi realized. 'You aren't scared of me. The scars, the place I come from, the person I'm related to, not even the fact I've been in prison, you never once asked why. You just met me don't be stupid.' Vi's thoughts never left her lips as she focused more on the lock. When the pick broke she let out a curse and pulled it out, tossing it somewhere out of sight.

"Fuck!" Vi spat out, slamming her fist against the wall far from Caitlyn's head. Caitlyn's gentle hand rested on Vi's angry one and smoothed out the fist.

"You'll get it. It takes time." Caitlyn told her.

"That was my only tool. I can't get you out of here without anything to pick the lock." Vi muttered put her head in her hands. Caitlyn reached to her hair and pulled out a Bobby pin. She put it in Vi's hand without a word and Vi nodded working on it again.

"I've thought it out, you know," Caitlyn spoke watching Vi work.

"I'm sure you have plenty of good reasons Princess but I don't need your help with living places, been in worse. I just need my sister back." Vi said as the lock popped open. "There. Now let's get out here."

"Don't be prideful, Vi. You wouldn't have to sleep in a hammock, you could have heating and air conditioning, food you don't have steal, it's safe, it would make helping me easier. It's a good idea for you. All you have to do is say yes. I can even pull strings and help you get work, have enough money to do whatever you want. It can temporarily. You can leave any time you want." Caitlyn explained as she grabbed Vi's hand who helped her up from her sitting position on the floor.

"You really thought about it, haven't you cupcake? Why do you actually want me living with you? What part of your reasoning aren't you saying?" Vi said meeting Caitlyn's eyes. It made Caitlyn pause and think. Should she tell Vi honestly that having her move into her apartment wasn't only pure intentions? Not that she had unpure intentions towards the pinkette, just selfish ones. She wanted Vi close to her. To see her every day. To know that she was safe and warm and fed. Maybe feel those soft touches again once in a while. But the reasons she told Vi were also valid.

"There's no reason that matters more than you having a better, safer, place to stay. Even temporarily, I want you to stay with me. Besides, these people know where you live, Vi. When we get out of here, you know they aren't likely to leave you alone. At the very least, my apartment has high Hextech security measures and we'll be safer there." Caitlyn reasoned with herself and Vi. Vi thought about it. She hadn't thought about the fact these people had known where to find her. Were they after her, or were they after Caitlyn? Both probably wasn't the case , the only person Vi had told about the meeting was Ekko's kid he took in, and he would never let it slip.

It seemed the pair both had targets on their backs, and plenty of people willing to take aim. "It's temporary, right? Just for now." Vi asked Caitlyn, who stood close enough facing her that Caitlyn's soft breath fanned her cheeks as the sniper gazed up to met her eyes. Vi's eyes glanced at Caitlyn's pink lips, and the thought to put her lips on hers was tempting before she made her eyes met Caitlyn's again.

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