Chapter 1

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A/N: This is one of my first times writing fanfiction so please don't judge my horrible writing skills.

-13th of May-

The sound of rushed footsteps and fast-paced heartbeats echoed softly through the forest.

Tommy ran as fast as he could. He hoped that if he ran fast enough, he could escape it... escape the memories.


Oh fuck. He forgot about Tubbo. Where was he anyway?

Tommy looked behind him and Tubbo was there not very far away, struggling to keep up with Tommy.

Tubbo ran a bit closer to Tommy and doubled over.

"You okay Tubs?" Tommy asked him.

"Yeah," Tubbo sighed.

Tommy noticed a big gash across Tubbo's leg. "Come on, not much longer. All we have to do is get over the border.

They were almost at a safe place - a place where there were no monsters and nothing would come back to haunt them.

At first Tommy was sceptical. He had never heard of the place before. He'd only heard about it from some random person off the streets saying it's a "summer camp".

Even from the distance they were at, Tommy could tell it wasn't a "summer camp". At least not a normal one anyway.

Tommy's breathing started to slow, and he stumbled. He reached for the compass he kept around his neck. Tubbo had an identical one as well, and they always pointed to each other. It was just a shitty kids toy, but it still meant something.

Tommy's mum was abusive and Tubbo's dad was never there for him, so they spent a lot of time together. They bought the compasses as a reminder that they were always there for each other. They'd even taped little labels on them, "Your Tommy" "Your Tubbo".

It was funny how such a cheap kids toy could hold such sentimental value.

Tommy was getting carried away with himself, he had to stay focused. "Get to the border, once you're over you'll figure it out from there," that's what the guy off the streets had said.

Tommy felt a tug on his hand. He looked over, it was Tubbo. "Get to the border," Tubbo says. "Get to the border." Tommy replies.

Together they stumbled up the hill, there wasn't that much further, only a couple of metres.

As their feet collided with the soft grass on the other side, they felt a strange sensation occur, almost magical. That's stupid, magic and anything related don't exist.

A conch horn blew in the distance not very long after they crossed the border. That means people were on their way.

Tommy tucked his compass in his shirt as he waited there with Tubbo.

Suddenly a man with huge black wings wandered over to them accompanied by two people about the same age.

"Hello, I'm Philza but you can call me Phil and I'm the activities director of Camp Half-Blood," he waved his hands, gesturing to the buildings and fields below.

"What are your names?" Philza asked  Tommy and Tubbo.

"I- I'm Tubbo, and this is my friend Tommy," Tubbo replied.

"The big man," Tommy jumped in.

"I'll let Techno give you a tour and Wilbur can tour Tommy," Phil told them.

"Okay," they said.

"Can I get the other one? This one seems like he'll be a little needy," the person in the yellow jumper said.

"No Wil, I told you who you're going to tour, you can't trade people," Phil told him.

"Well actually you could in the 1800s and you still can now but that's sort of illegal and crosses into morally grey areas-" the one in the yellow jumped started saying.

"Nobody wants to listen to your history lessons Wilbur," Tommy emphasised the last part of his name.


"I stand by my statement," Wilbur said as he was leading Tommy down towards the cabins.

"What?" Tommy asked him.

"That you're a needy little gremlin child," he responded calmly.

"I'M NOT A 'NEEDY LITTLE GREMLIN CHILD'!" Tommy shouted at Wilbur, "Anyway, where are we? And where's Tubbo going?"

"Techno's taking Tubbo to the Big House to get his wound treated, and currently you're at a place called Camp Half-Blood," Wilbur wiggled his fingers as he said the name of the camp.

"I still don't know where that is,"

"It basically means you're a needy little gremlin child. I mean, a half-blood,"

"And... what's that?"

"One of you're parents is a god,"

"Well, I wouldn't call my mum a god exactly," Tommy said with a sneer.

"Well, we've arrived at the cabins. This is where you'll sleep with the rest of your cabin members. You get assigned your cabin depending on who you're godly parent is,"

"What if you don't know who your godly parent is?" Tommy turned to look at Wilbur.

"That's for you to find out," Wilbur said with a wink, "And if you don't find out, then you crammed in the Hermes cabin with a million other kids,"


"I'm getting hungry, and I can't be bothered giving you the rest of the tour so I'm just going to leave you here while I have lunch. See you later Big T,"

"Wait!" Tommy called out to Wilbur as he saw the latter making his way to the dining pavilion. Tommy decided it would probably be better he find wherever the fuck his best friend was than follow a stranger to have lunch with.

If y'all have a name for this, then tell me! Also you can be the beta readers for this before I eventually post it on ao3.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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