day 8: christmas crafts

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day 8 yaaaaaaaaay!!

the twins are 3 here!



"Hi, loves!" Cady cheers as her twins barrel towards her after a long day at preschool. "How was your day?"

"We maked cookies!" Layla says happily. Now that Cady looks closer, there is some colorful remnants of frosting around their lips.

"You did? That's so special, I bet they were so yummy," Cady says, holding both their hands and leading them to the car to go home. "We have something special to do today."

"Special?" Leo asks confusedly, tilting her head as Cady buckles her into her car seat.

"We're gonna make Mommy's Christmas present today," Cady says. Both twins' eyes go wide. "But it's a surprise, so we can't tell her, okay?" They both nod seriously. "Good. Okay, let's go home!"


Cady hangs up her daughters' bags and coats while they both run down the hallway to greet the pets. She smiles as she hears the calls of "Daffy! Ellie!" bouncing slightly as they run.

"You two are so sweet," she says, following after them to find them aggressively cuddling Daffodil and respectfully petting Elvira's fuzzy head. "Okay, what should we have for snack?"

"Cookies!" Leo cheers.

"You had cookies at school! All that sugar will make your belly hurt," Cady giggles. "Little cookie monsters. How about some apple and peanut butter?"

"Oh! Yeah!" Leo agrees, excited at the idea of one of her most favorite snacks. It's not quite as tasty as cookies, but it's up there. "I can help?"

"Sure," Cady agrees. Layla looks up from her doggy and pouts.

"Me too?"

"Of course," Cady comforts, helping them both into the kitchen and onto the counter. "Should we have crunchy or smooth peanut butter?"

"Smoove," Leo says, as if there was ever a debate. Cady grabs the right jar from the cabinet and hands it to Leo to open.

"Alrighty, now what kind of apples?" Cady asks, picking up Layla and carrying her to the fridge.

"Gween," Layla says immediately, reaching in the produce drawer to grab some.

"Girls after my own heart," Cady chuckles. "Got 'em?" Layla nods, carefully trying to juggle her apples. Cady helpfully holds one in her off hand and carries her back to her sister. "Okay, here we go!"

"I can cuddit?" Layla asks.

"You can help," Cady says. "We need sharp knives for this one, so I'll help you so nobody gets hurt."

Layla stands on her little stepladder and rests her hand on top of Cady's to cut their snack. Leo helpfully proffers her jar of peanut butter and helps scoop a healthy portion onto their plate.

"What do we think, pumpkins?" Cady asks as they each take a slice and dip it in the peanut butter. "Good?"

They both nod eagerly, little curls bouncing around them.

"Good. Eat up."


"Okay, are you ready?"

Both her daughters nod, looking curiously at the craft supplies covering the coffee table around them.

"What we doing?"

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