day 16: making christmas cookies

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day 16 yaaaaaay!!! i think this might be my favorite one. maybe.

the twins are two!



"Mama?" Layla asks, trying to pull herself up to eye level with the counter. "What you doin'?"

"I'm getting everything ready to make cookies," Cady says.


"Yeah, we're gonna make gingerbread people!" Cady replies.

"Make people?" Layla asks, looking up at her. Cady bends down to pick her up and rests her on her hip.

"Cookie people," she explains. "It'll be fun, you'll like it. Look at all these yummy things."

"Candy," Layla says, leaning to be set on the counter so she can dig in. Cady spins around and holds her away from it.

"Later, Bug. We can't eat it yet, then we won't have anything to decorate the people with!"Layla whines and buries her face in her chest. "I know, I know. It's so tempting, huh?" Layla nods. "Yeah. You can have some in a little while. Why don't you go get Lolo and Mommy?"

"Den candy?"

"Then we make cookies, and then candy," Cady says. Layla pulls a stink face as she's set back down. That's a lot of things in between now and candy time. "I know. Go on, the faster sissy and Mommy come the faster you can eat."

"Oh!" Layla says. Cady giggles quietly as she goes tearing off to the living room. She trips after a couple steps, but just pushes herself back up with an, "I okay!"


"Ooh, look at all this, little miss Pinterest," Janis hums when she enters the kitchen trailed by their two little ducklings. "All these fancy little things."

"I figured it'd be easier to have everything measured out so they can just dump it all in," Cady says. "Few more dishes to do, but I think it'll be worth it."

"Definitely," Janis agrees. Cooking with the twins is seldom a neat process. "Come here, little bugs."

The twins both go running over to her and stand at her feet.

"Hi Mommy!" Leo says with a precious little grin.

"Hi baby," Janis smiles back. "We're about to cook, what do we need?"

"Ap'on!" Layla says. Janis nods.


"Cwean hands!" Leo says, holding up her grubby little ones to demonstrate.

"Exactly. Go get your aprons and then we'll wash our hands," Janis says. She grins as the twins go running off to the pantry to get their tiny aprons. Gretchen made them herself, with matching little chef hats and oven mitts for the twins' birthday. They've gotten a lot of use.

"You guys have the wrong ones," Janis chuckles when her daughters come tearing back over. "What does that say?"

Layla looks down as Janis taps the embroidered name on her chest. Janis helps her take it off so they can both sound out the letters.

"Lll... eeeee... oh!" They sound out. Leo says, "Says Leo! Dat's me!"

"That is you!" Janis chuckles. "And you two just read that, good job!"

The twins switch aprons and pull them over their heads. Janis carefully ties the straps behind their little backs and snatches them up to carry over to the sink.

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