Hogwarts Express

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It was the 1st of September 1991. Y/N had arrived at Kings Cross Station at about 10:15am with Dean and Penny. They had crossed through to Platform Nine and Three Quarters and were saying their goodbyes.

"Sure you wanna get on now mate? The Hogwarts Express doesn't leave for another 45 minutes" Dean asked.

"Yeah all good bro, I know you both have to get to work so I'll get settled and get some reading in" Y/N answered with a smile.

"Haven't you finished all the books yet?" Penny giggled.

"I've finished the first three years curriculum but I want to get this fourth year Arithmancy textbook finished before I have to start back on the easy stuff" Y/N answered honestly.

Dean rolled his eyes and Penny giggled: "You are something else aren't you kiddo"

"So they say" Y/N smirked.

He quickly wrapped Penny in a big hug.

"Thank you for everything, I love you so much Pens. I'm really gonna miss you".

This started Penny's waterworks. She kissed Y/N's head as she hugged him tightly.

"You don't have to thank me for anything Cutie Pie. You mean the world to me. I love you too"

After eventually letting go Y/N turned to his big brother and wrapped him in just as big a hug.

"I'm sorry things used to be hard Dean, it's just I would always think of-"

He was cut off by a tighter hug from his brother.

"You don't have to apologise little man. I'm sorry things were so bad for you but we are together now and that's all that matters."

Y/N nodded and hugged tightly before letting go. He lifted his trunks and Smoky's cage on the train before turning around to address the couple.

"Don't forget to let me know ASAP ok"

Dean winked but Penny looked at Y/N confused and asked:

"Let you know what?"

"Nothing see you at Christmas" Y/N smiled and with that he turned and entered the train.

Penny looked at Dean with an eyebrow raised. Dean smirked at her and said "Don't ask me I think he's been hanging around Mad-Eye too long".

Penny burst into laughter and added "let's go get a coffee".


The couple were sat in the train station coffee shop when they couldn't help but recognise a familiar face walk past.

"Molly" Dean called out to his godmother.

Molly Weasley turned to the sound of her name being called and smiled widely at her godson.

"How lovely to see you both" she said hugging both of them and kissing their cheeks.

"Have you already seen Y/N off?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah, he wanted to get some more reading in" Dean said with a chuckle and a roll of his eyes.

"That boy... Jacob pushes him far too hard. Keep an eye on him Ron, make sure he gets plenty of down time" Molly spoke in a worried tone to her youngest son.

"No worries mum" Ron replied.

"Well we better be off, good to see you both. You must come round for dinner next week" Molly said to the pair cheerfully.

"Good to see you too Molly. Say hi to Arthur for us" Dean replied.

With that Molly Weasley turned to run after the twins who were currently trying to jinx a pigeon.

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