1- No Homo Bro

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It's morning and the sunlight is filtering through the shutters. The blaring sound of the alarm resonates in the room and Trent stirs lazily as he tries to turn it off. He picks up his phone with the intent of checking the time, wondering how much sleep he could get before he has to actually get up. The light of his phone aggressively hits his eyes, forcing him to squint.

He groans. He is late.

He hurriedly gets out of his bed and reaches out for his favourite light green sweater, but an atrocious smell drifts towards his nostrils. He wrinkles his nose at the odor. Fuck. His cat had pissed on it. He rapidly grabs another sweater and dresses up as fast as he can. He then runs towards his desk, collecting everything he needs before finally fetching his keys and sprinting out of the front door.

He manages to get onto the bus before it drives off, panting. Trent works his way towards the back of the bus, towards his usual spot but as he approaches it, he realises someone is already sitting in it. He groans for the second time today and finds a seat near the front. While he is catching his breath, he thinks that this day can't get any worse.

Surprisingly, his first period goes quite smoothly without any complications, except when the teacher completely embarrasses him in front of the whole class because of an assignment he turned in earlier this week. Anyway.

Since his next class doesn't start up until 10, Trent decides to go get some tea because his poor deceased brain needs theanine to keep those last two braincells alive. With his friend Brian, they both settle on going to the coffee shop near campus and spend time chit-chatting over a cup of black tea.

The coffee shop is nearly empty as it is past the usual rush of students and workers getting something to eat before starting their day. The smell of coffee attacks Trent's nose and makes his stomach churn. The man rapidly tells his order to his friend and hastily makes his way towards a table farthest from the coffee machine, not wanting to indulge in this torturous smell anymore. He sits down near the entrance, his back to the door, and observes the scenery outside, waiting for the arrival of his beverage.

"I swear to god, this is the last time you make me pay for your drink" Brian starts as he reaches the spot Trent chose as their seats.

"In my defense, I was the one paying last week" Trent replies with a smirk.

"But you still owe me for that slice of cheesecake I bought yester-"

Suddenly, someone enters the shop and shoves Brian, making him trip and spill all the content of their cups on the floor and on Trent.

"The least you could do is apologize, asshole!" Trent snarls, dripping wet from both tea and coffee. His poor nostrils are definitely dead now.

The asshole in question slowly turns his head, deadpans a half-assed apology and resumes his way towards the counter. Trent stands up, walks towards the rude stranger and violently grabs his arm.

"Listen here, you dipshit. You're going to really apologize to me right now, or I'm gonna fuck up your face so bad even your mom won't be able to recognize you" Trent snaps, making a couple of the remaining patrons turn their heads towards the commotion.

The man concerned doesn't even flinch and just stares into his interlocutor's eyes. Brian just stands there, baffled by the stranger's reaction. He is rather used to Trent's aggressive behavior but he never saw anyone react so dully to his friend's shenanigans. People usually would try to ignore him or at least politely tell him to shut the fuck up and that he's overreacting. Never in his life has he seen someone look so unfazed by Trent's dramatic self.

The stranger shakes off Trent's hand. "It's not that big of a deal dude, chillax" the man sighs as he replies. "Plus, I already apologized, it's not my fault you're not satisfied with it."

"How is that not a big deal? You just ruined my clothes" Trent shouts. "You fucking gobshite!"

Trent lunges forward but before he can do anything, Brian grabs him from behind.

"Calm down Trent, I have some clothes I got from my brother inside my dorm, I'll lend them to you, don't worry." Brian says softly, while giving the stranger a pointed look full of defiance.

Trent grits his teeth and responds. "Fine, let's go to your dorm then. I don't want to look at this shithead anymore anyway."

The stranger rolls his eyes and Trent flips him off while he and Brian exit the shop.


Trent is standing by Brian's doorway while the latter rumages through his closet, holding a pair of pants his friend gave him earlier.

"One of Chad's shirts must be in there somewhere- Aha! Found it!" Brian brandishes the newly found shirt like a trophy and throws it right at his friend. "There you go dude!"

Trent catches it in mid-air. "Thanks bro, you're saving me so much, you have no idea." He starts to take off his wet and sticky shirt. "I have no idea what I'd do without you dude. No homo though."

"Y-you're welcome, after all I'd do anything for my b-bro." Brian stutters while he drops his body onto the mattress.

"Why does your face look like you took a reddener?" Trent questions his bestie. "You okay dude?"

"Y-yeah I'm fine, it's just so hot, t-that's all." Brian splutters while touching his neck.

"But it's the middle of November and today it's freezing cold!" Trent cocks his eyebrow at his friend's behaviour.

"Uhm, the heater's temperature is set too high, that's why..." Brian avoids Trent's eyes. "A-anyway, are you coming to the party tonight?" he asks, after Trent finally changed into his borrowed clothes.

Trent sighs and sits down next to Brian. "I don't know dude, probably not since I'm in a shitty mood and will be for the rest of the day..."

"Aw come on, how come the idea of getting drunk and fucking hot women doesn't tempt you?" Brian jokingly persuades his friend.

"I'm just not feeling it, is all"

"Please? Just this once? I don't wanna force you if you don't want to go, I'm just saying it's a good way to decompress and forget about everything that's been bothering you all day" Brian persists.

"Okay, I'll go. But it's only because I wanna fuck hot women" Trent winks and Brian lets out a chuckle.

"Sheesh!" Brian exclaims while proceeding to do the swag face.

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