2- Turning Up The Party

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Hey, where u at?
I'm waiting in front
of your dorm

Best Homie
Oof, I forgot to tell you...
I'm already at the party...

You serious???
Ugh, if you want me there,
at least tell me where it is

Best Homie
It's at the Iota Psi
frat house

You know Iota Psi is
Nu Delta Phi's rival
since forever right??

Best Homie
I know that

Then why did you want to go
to their party?
You also know that,
as a member of Nu Delta Phi,
I can't and won't go

Best Homie
Well, I might've
also forgot to mention
that we're crashing this party ;)
Just come and I'll tell you
everything you need to know

Count me in~


The night is chilly but it's nothing Trent can't handle. The possibility of crashing Iota Psi's party makes him so excited he doesn't feel cold at all as he gets out of the bus. His resistance to the weather could also be due to his Irish upbringing, but hush.

After his last class, Trent had gone back to his appartment and changed into his own set of clothes, throwing his dirty ones in the washing machine. He also scolded Chubbs for ruining his favourite sweater, even though he couldn't stay mad at his favorite little fluff ball.

He manages to not get lost and to turn up at the right location, if the flashing colourful lights and loud music booming inside the house aren't enough of an indication. The exterior of the frat house testifies of the amount of money that is put towards the maintenance and comfort of the building and its residents. It's clear, through the rich display of intricate Greek ornaments adorning the residence's facade, that favouritism is heavily present concerning the budget put into the architectural design. Trent shakes his head because of course they went all extra Greek just because their frat's name has Greek letters in it. He slowly approaches the door, the noise growing louder and louder until he turns practically deaf.

As soon as Trent crosses the threshold, he is greeted by a tall, surfer-looking brunette.

"Hi bro, the name's Owen!" the dude screams over the music whilst he wraps Trent's shoulders with his strong, buff arm.

"Uhh hi Owen?" Trent replies, unsure of what to do when a guy he's never seen in his life is so touchy with him. He finds himself already scanning the crowd, desperately searching for his best friend to come save him and also give him details of the plan to ruin this party.

"So, you dating anyone right now dude?" Owen unexpectedly inquires.

Trent furrows his brows and scrunches his nose. "No, but why the fuck does it matter to you?"

"I might know someone who's interested in..." Trent finally spots Brian in the swarming sea of sweaty people, barely managing to keep red cups filled with every type of alcohol Trent can possibly think of from falling from his hands.

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