VII: Matters Of Family

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Entering the room, Klaus opened the doors with a flourish as he walked in front of them stopping in the middle of the room, "Would you like a drink?"

Azalea thought for a moment, knowing this meeting was going to be filled with testosterone she needed her favourite drink "Hot chocolate with marshmallows if there is"
"I am fine, brother as there seems to be decanters in every room in the house" Kol called out from the fireplace where the drink stand was placed.

"Not every room, Kol" Klaus told him with a scolding look but his eyes held amusement at his brother's thinly veiled rage.
Though before Kol could say anything, the original hybrid walked out of the room to get Azalea her drink when Kol sat on the sofa glaring at the cream-coloured walls as if they had offended him. Seeing this Azalea sat next to him, taking one of his clenched fists and kissing his knuckles

Thinking Kol was worried about being with his brother Azalea whispered but in the cold silence it was like she was shouting "I won't let anything happen to you"
Hearing this made Kol perk up a bit, kissing her forehead and lingering just a tad he spoke repeating the words before they left with conviction swimming in his eyes "I know, Darling. I know"

Azalea's head rested on Kol's shoulder listening to 'AC DC' that was playing on Azalea's phone, just to fill the hard silence. They both heard Klaus' steps before he came into the room with Azalea's drink, so they didn't react to him much to Klaus's annoyance.
All they did to even acknowledge his presence was Azalea's small but sincere "Thank you"

Once Azalea had finished her chocolaty goodness, she kissed her Mischief's lips and stood up walking to the middle of the room where a table resided for the witchy proceedings. "Okay for this to work we need a map, blood or something of the intended person we need to find and candles"

"I know how a locator spell works, love" Klaus scoffed after mocking her as he rolled his eyes
This time it was Azalea's time to scoff, "Good for you but I was talking to myself"
To which Klaus grinned like a schoolboy in return as Azalea was the only person to not fear his retaliation in their battle of words. He was also very close to the line where Azalea would happily give him her version of an aneurism

Cutting through the tension that was building to where it was mostly going to end with one of them on the floor dead and Kol wholeheartedly believing Azalea would come out on top. He began to tease his witch with a wide smirk "Darling you know that is the first sign of insanity"
"Well I always knew I had less sanity than the next person, it was just enhanced by my gene pool" Azalea replied with her own smirk mirroring his

"You know how to pick them Kol" Klaus breathed out, as a shiver ran down Klaus's spine, not that he would tell anyone. Unfortunately for him, both Kol and Azalea heard his mutterings
Kol sped towards him holding him by his throat, vampire face on show, snarling in his older brother's face "Yet your begging for my darling flower to be at your beck and call"

Sighing loudly, Azalea walked up to them before it could go any further, pulling them apart by their shoulders she spoke with annoyance clear in her tone "Okay boys put them away"

Composing himself, Kol turned and buried his face in Azalea's neck breathing in her wintery death scent and letting out a muffled "I'm sorry darling"
"Don't worry my mischief, just help me with the candles" She spoke as she stroked his hair in comfort.

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