𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒛𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝑩𝒂𝒍𝒍

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The Christmas Ball was drawing near and Seonghwa became busier. He had all hands on deck to ensure everything would be finished in time. Hongjoong and Haknyeon returned, Hongjoong returned back to his manager role and Haknyeon continued his work at his office.

Seonghwa was once again back and forth from their home to the office or just slept at the office. They got rid of the secretary that was obsessed with Seonghwa and Chanhee got the job. Yeosang didn't mind, he knew Chanhee was cut out for it. Seonghwa and Yeosang had collected their outfits for the ball along with the others.

Of course they all had to show their style. They are all friends and shareholders of Hwa Designs, they need to leave everyone shook everytime.

Yeosang helped out from home. He helped Jongho with the menu, Mingi with the invitations and helped pick out some decorations with Hongjoong. Seonghwa was busy contacting some of their collabed companies that had work with them this year and invited them directly.

Everyone was gathered at the company's dinner hall as they prepared the last of the things. They started the decorating as it was a wide area to cover. Seonghwa doubled checked the colors with Hongjoong and his assistant secretary Hyunjae before they offically started putting the decors up.

This year's theme was A Royal Winter with the colors, white, gold, ice blue, baby red with touches of pine green. They had an hour and half meeting on deciding colors to fit the theme.

Yeosang arrived around lunch time with Chanhee and was in awe just by the outside decorations. He had only heard of the Hwa Designs offical Christmas Ball but never would he imagine attending one.

"Sang our dreams came true!" Chanhee excitedly said and Yeosang nod with a smile.

"Let's head in and find the others!" Yeosang said and Chanhee nod as he linked his hand onto Yeosang's.

The walked in and stopped as they entered. They were in another state of awe. They couldn't believe they were actually seeing behind the scenes of the Hwa Designs Christmas Ball. They looked at each other before looking back around as they walked slowly.

They were both pulled out of their trance when they got separated. Chanhee looked up at Jongho and gave him a peck with a smile.

"Missed me?" Chanhee asked as he walked away with Jongho.

Yeosang let out a chuckle then looked at Seonghwa.

"Missed me?" Yeosang asked as he danced his eyebrows a bit.

Seonghwa smiled before he connected their lips for a short kiss.

"You know I always miss you." Seonghwa replied.

They held hands as they walked to where the others were gathering. Yeosang smiled as he greeted everyone.

"Hongjoong hyung it's nice to see you again!" Yeosang said with a smile.

"You too Sang, you look so much more swollen, do you know the gender?" Hongjoong asked as Yeosang sat down.

"I do, you wanna know?" Yeosang teased a bit.

"Of course I wanna know! Haknyeon come here!!" Hongjoong called.

"Hey Yeosang, how have you been?" Haknyeon asked as he sat next to Hongjoong.

"They keep deciding to wake me at odd hours but other than that I'm good." Yeosang said.

"Oh– wait they!?" Haknyeon exclaimed.

Hongjoong eyes widened along with Haknyeon as they looked at Yeosang then at Seonghwa who just shrugged with a smile.

"Here, open it." Yeosang said handing them a gift box.

They both opened it and dropped it before picking it back up again and taking out the matching onesises.

"You're having baby boy twins!!" Hongjoong said excitedly.

"You have super sperms!!" Haknyeon exclaimed.

"That's what I said as well!" Yunho added.

Everyone let out a laugh.

"Excuse, sir, we're finished with the main entrance and the stairways." Hyunjae said to Hongjoong.

"Okay well its just the tables, chairs and the carpet for the entrance. Take a rest with us." Hongjoong said with a smile and Seonghwa nod.

"Oh, Hyunjae, this is Yeosang Mr. Park's boyfriend." Hongjoong said.

"Nice to meet you." Yeosang said as he extended his hand.

"You too." Hyunjae returned the hand shake.

Yeosang smiled at him before turning to look at Seonghwa. Yeosang let out a chuckle as he saw Seonghwa's expression. Yeosang pulled Seonghwa's face closer to his with a smirk.

"Hide your jealously daddy, you know I belong to you." Yeosang said softly before giving him a kiss.

"Is that my new name?" Seonghwa asked with smirk.

"Well since our princes are gonna call you that might get used to it." Yeosang said with a smirk before he fixed himself and looked at the others.

He just smiled at the others. They let out a laugh and shook their heads. They were accustomed to the couple's random sweet yet cringy moments.

"I feel so single." Hyunjae said as he hid his face.

Everyone let out a laugh and Hongjoong pat his back. Then it occured to Seonghwa, Hyunjae was never seen dating anyone.

"Hyunjae do you have a preference?" Seonghwa asked.

Hyunjae looked at him confused. They all let out a small laugh.

"Like men or women, do you have a preference?" Seonghwa asked with a smile.

"Oh, I'm bisexual so no, I think—" Hyunjae said.

"Oh me too!" Hongjoong and Seonghwa exclaimed at the sametime.

Both then earning a glare. Yeosang looked at him with his eyebrow raised.

"But now I can't have anyone else because my pup is the only one that can get it up." Seonghwa said with a smirk.

Yeosang blushed and the others made some noise. Seonghwa let out a laugh as he side hugged Yeosang. Hyunjae let out a groan and excused himself before he left the building. They double checked everything one last time before they all left. They decided to swing by the bar for some drinks. Everyone got a beer except Yeosang and Wooyoung who had just gotten non alcoholic drinks. They chatted and caught up for a bit before they all went their individual ways.

Seonghwa helped Yeosang to the car before going to his side. He sat down and looked at Yeosang with a smile.

"Are you drunk from two beers?" Yeosang laughed.

"No, I'm not, I just can't help but smile everytime I remember you're mine." Seonghwa smiled.

Yeosang smiled and watched as Seonghwa leaned over and connected their lips for a kiss. Yeosang closed his eyes and rested on of his hand behind Seonghwa's neck and Seonghwa held his jaw. They both smiled as they pulled away.

"I love you."  Seonghwa said with a smile.

"I love you too master." Yeosang replied with a smile.

Seonghwa took his water bottle and gulped it down before he started the car and left the bar. Yeosang smiled as they made their way back home. Seonghwa parked the car and Yeosang got out of the Vehicle. He waited for Seonghwa to lock it then they both walked and went inside together.

They both wasted no time in taking a shower and changing into comfy clothes before crashing in each others arms on their bed. They had a busy day coming up, Yeosang would make is offical debut to the world as Seonghwa's lover and they will also announce his pregnancy. It's going to be an eventful Christmas Ball.

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